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Maddie's POV

I finally find the water, stashed secretly in a cooler under a table in the back room.

I steal two half-dozen cases and hurry my way back to the boys before I get caught. I hand around the waters and take one for myself as well. We wait patiently until it's time for the meet and greet to start.

The guys go out and sit, doing their thing and meeting all the girls. I decide to stay in the back for a couple minutes because I've never really been excited to see a bunch of screaming girls my age hugging all of my friends and give me the death glare.

"Maddie!" Cameron shouts from the other room.

"What do you want?!" I shout back.

"Come out here! There's people who want to meet you!" he responds.

Why me? I am simply the sister of an internet star; I have no special talent. I don't make noteworthy Vines, I'm not an exceptional singer or YouTuber. Why would anyone want to meet me?

I groan, getting up and taking my drawstring bag full of pens and junk with me. I take a seat next to Matt and Cameron. Girls scream and point at me.

"Maddie!" A girl shouts. I stand up and hug her, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I admire you." the girl whispers in my ear. She was so happy. I laugh and thank her, pulling out of the hug. I autograph her already-autographed phone case of all the guys. She smiles and walks away, thanking me again.

I autograph lots of posters and phone cases until my hand hurts. I feel bad for the guys because they have to sign three times as much stuff as I have and for a lot more people. I grab my water and sit down, watching the crowd of girls in front of the stage. The people with VIP passes come and go, and we eventually get them to simmer down.

"Alright, so we're going to start a Q&A part of this so you guys can ask us questions, and we'll try to answer." Cameron says into the mic. Girls scream at the simple sound of his voice and raise their arms. Cameron points to specific people in the crowd.

"Are Jacob and Mahogany dating?" A girl asks.

"Um, they're not able to be here, but that would be a great question to ask Jacob or Mahogany because I have no clue." Cameron answers and winks. The girl squeals to herself. I sit there patiently as the guys answer more questions.

"Where do you guys live?" A girl in the back asks.


"Is Maddie dating anyone in the group?" A girl asks Cameron. My head shoots up to Cameron and my eyes widen.

"I don't know." Cameron says.

"Uh... no." I reply into my mic. There's a few murmurs through the crowd. I call on another girl in the front.

"I though you and Shawn have been really close, haven't you?"

"Um, yeah. Really good friends, but I'm really good friends with all of the guys, they're like my family." I say. Shawn chokes on his water and I can't help but laugh. A couple girls who heard him choke on his water scream.


"How old are you?"

"I'm fourteen, fifteen in nine days." I say.

"Would you ever be in a relationship with any of the guys?"

"I don't know."

"No, she wouldn't, because I wouldn't allow it." Cameron jokes. I shoot him a glare.

"You're so ungrateful, you don't see how lucky you are to know them on a personal level." A girl in the front row shouts. 

"I'm not ungrateful at all. I love that I have the guys in my life and I am so blessed to be here right now, just because I'm not particularly interested in dating one of my friends doesn't make me ungrateful, because believe me, I am incredibly grateful for everything I have." I say. I turn my mic off and sit back in my chair so everyone knows I'm not open for discussion anymore, and the questions move on to the other guys.

I pull out my phone from under the table and try to calm down a little bit. I get an idea to make everyone happier, smiling to myself. I lean forward in my seat and turn my mic back on.

"Hey, Cameron?" I say smoothly into the mic. Cameron looks at me, taking a sip of his water.

"Can you pass me your water real quick?"

"Sure." he says. He tosses his nearly empty water to me.

"Who wants this exclusive water bottle with Cameron Dallas's saliva and finger prints on it?" I say. The crowd goes wild and I chuck the water bottle into the crowd, laughing at Cameron, who has a horrified look on his face.

"You're evil." he says. He pulls another water out from the cooler under the table.

The questioning comes back up again, and I get bored easily.

"Shawn! Sing the Cameron Dallas song!" a fan shouts. I try not to laugh into the mic. Shawn pulls out his guitar from behind his chair and starts singing the infamous Cameron song.

"Cameron Dallas, he's my-"

"brother." I interrupt in a monotone voice. The crowd laughs and Shawn throws me a glare.

"Cameron Dallas, he's my brother, oh how I love him so."  I sing into my microphone. Cameron laughs at me and puts a finger to his lips, clearly telling me to be quiet.

I stop singing and give Shawn the opportunity to keep singing and the crowd sings with him. Cameron gets up and sits in Shawn's lap and its my turn to choke on my water. When Shawn finishes his song the girls cheer.

"Who ships Shameron?" I say into the mic. The girls laugh again and Cameron hugs Shawn to make it look like they were a couple and add to the effect.

Gotta love straight white boys.

I get up and go to the back after the guys shift into the part where they sing and stuff like that to make the crowd happy. Usually I wasn't into getting all riled up with a large crowd.

I sit in the hall next to my bag, texting my friends back home. After a while, I get bored and go back on stage with the guys, who were talking to some fans.

I sit on stage next to Cameron, swinging my legs back and forth patiently. When they're done talking, they stand up and close the convention by saying goodbye and stuff to all the fans. We went backstage again after the meet to gather our stuff.

"That was really fun." I say to Cameron.

"Yeah, you should come with us more often." he says. I smile, walking out with the guys into the parking lot.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading! And for all the positive feedback, you guys are great.

Don't forget to vote and all that down below, and I'll see you on my next update! ❤️

(word count: 1186)

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