f o r t y

558 21 22

(A/N: awkward tense change. It goes from past tense in the last chapter to present tense here, so just stick with me. I was writing this quickly at like 2 am and I know it's weird, I'll fix it later lol I don't know why my brain doesn't work at 2 am but it just doesn't.)

Maddie's POV-

"Flight 42 now boarding."

I turn, my eyesight blurry from tears.

"Don't forget about me, okay?" Shawn says. I try to say something, but my lips starts to tremble and I close my mouth, knowing that if I try to speak I'd just start to stutter.

All of the guys stand here in front of me as I get ready to board my flight.

"I'm going to miss you, little sis." Cameron says, hugging me. I squeeze him tightly.

"I'll miss you too, Cameron." I say. He quickly wipes under his eye and I can't help but chuckle.

"Is that a tear I see?" I tease. Cameron rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, Mads, it is." He says. I chuckle again.

"I'm going to miss having a sane person around." Nash says. I laugh.

"You'll survive." I say. I hug all of the guys one last time, Hayes not even saying anything. I can't lie and say it doesn't hurt, but I try to forget about it when I get to Shawn. I kiss him on the lips, making sure not to make too much of a scene since my brother's here. We had already told the guys we started dating, but it was still new to Cameron so it was a little awkward for him to see us doing couple stuff.

"I promise I won't forget you, Shawny." I say. He hugs me tightly one last time before releasing from the embrace. I can tell he's crying but he's trying to hide it.

"Bye, guys." I say solemnly. I wave goodbye one last time to the guys. When I turn away, it's my turn to cry. I let my tears fall as I hand my ticket to the attendant. She gives me a sympathetic look, nodding for me to board the plane.

I have my one carry-on with me. The rest of my stuff had already gone through security and was in the luggage compartment.

I lean my head against the window, staring out at the grey pavement. Through the long glass windows of the lobby I see the silhouettes of the guys as they are leaving. One specific silhouette catches my attention, though, and it was the tall, muscular one belonging to Shawn. His head was hung low and his shoulders were shaking as he quietly sobbed to himself. The silhouettes disappear behind the lobby desk and I turn away from the window.

California, here I come.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❁ 6 hours later ❁

Click, click, click, click...

I stare up at the ceiling in the airport lobby, trying to tune out the irritating man next to me. He taps his cane repeatedly against the metal chair and it was starting to become really irritating.

I consider moving, but then I remember the airport's super busy because people are returning from vacation and getting ready for school to start soon.

"Maddie?" a familiar voice says from behind me.

I turn, surprised to see Shawn.

Just kidding, I wish it was Shawn.

I actually see my parents standing side-by-side. It seems like it's been forever since I've seen them.

I run towards them, hugging them.

"I missed you guys so much." I say.

"Missed you, too, Pumpkin." my dad says. I smile at the cute nickname he's always had for me. I grab my bags and follow them out of the airport into the parking lot, making small talk on the way there.

"So, sweetie, how was your summer?" My mom asks as I shut the trunk and get in.

"It was really, really fun. I'd love to tell you more about it after I get some sleep." I say. My mom nods understandingly as she pulls out of the lot. She turns the radio on so there's a quiet and soothing sound of music in the car. I rest my head against the window as I watch the cars go by.

Just before I nod off to sleep my phone buzzes in my lap. I click the home button to see a text from Shawn.

Miss you so much already 💔

I smile to myself at the small text, typing back a quick reply.

I love you.

A few seconds later, my phone vibrates again.

I love you more.

I grin, typing back one last reply.

I love you most.

I turn my phone off and look out the window again. I watch as the landscaping starts to thin as we get closer to the busy highways and inner city. Soon enough, we reach the smooth highway and I quickly drift off into a sleep, full of dreams about Shawn.


Seems like my chapters are always ending with someone sleeping and starting with someone waking up 😂

I'm not good at chapter transitions so stick with me for one or two more chapters. 😁

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