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Maddie's POV

I don't know how long I cried, but I'm sure it had to be at least five minutes.

I wiped my tears, laying back down and closing my eyes.

I had already had such a long day, and it wasn't even dinner time yet.

Shawn's POV

I got in my car, slamming the door shut.

I was upset. Maddie and I were finally friends again, but she wasn't acting like herself. She usually is a sweet, innocent girl, but recently she's been quite ignorant.

I drive off, heading back to the hotel.

I get back to the hotel room, greeted by seven curious and concerned faces.

"Where is she?" Aaron asks.

"She's staying at the hospital, Aaron." I reply.

"Wait, what? Why?" Matt asks, standing up.

"Maddie has anorexia." I blurt out. I watch as everyone's faces change expressions.

"Oh my god..." Taylor says, covering his mouth.

"Yeah." I mumble. I walk over to my bed, ignoring all of the glances. I sit down on the comforter, holding my head in my hands.

"I knew it." Matt whispers. My head shoots up to look at him.


"I knew it." Matt repeats. At this point, everyone's eyes are staring Matt down.

"What do you mean you knew, Matt?" Jack G asks.

"I knew there was something wrong with her. A couple weeks ago, I was in our hotel room, and Maddie was in our bathroom, but she probably thought I was still sleeping. S-she lifted up her shirt to her ribs and stared at herself in the mirror for a while. I didn't question her, though, because I thought it was normal for girls to do that." He says, looking up at me. Tears streamed from his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Shawn, I should've told you. I knew she looked unnaturally thin and pale, I just didn't know. I thought she was sucking her stomach in." he says. Everyone was quiet, not saying anything for a while. I stood up, pushing past everyone and leaving the room.

"Where are you going, Shawn?" Jack J shouted after me.

"I'm going to go make sure Maddie doesn't unintentionally kill herself tonight." I spit back angrily. I turn on my heel and continue my path out the door.

I hop in my car and start the engine, driving to the hospital. Rain drops started sprinkling lightly down, covering the windshield. I flip on the wipers and continue to drive.

I get out, slamming the door and running into the hospital. By now, the rain drizzle had turned into a full-out downpour. Even though it took me less than ten seconds to run from the parking spot to the entrance to the hospital, I was still soaked head to toe in rain.

I shutter when I enter the hotel, the warm air hitting my cold, wet skin. I nod at the desk assistant and she nods back, obviously recognizing me from before. I walk straight to Maddie's room, knocking lightly on the door, before entering.

There laid Maddie's frail body, wrapped up in white bed sheets and a blue hospital gown, just how I left her. She was laying on her side, shivering slightly.

I realize the air conditioning was on in her room, so I immediately turn it off. The room wasn't that cold, but she probably didn't have a whole lot of body heat to keep herself warm.

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