t w e n t y - n i n e

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Maddie's POV-

I wake early, the smell of breakfast downstairs wafting into my senses. The smell of cinnamon waffles and coffee.

I sit up, cracking my neck and shoulders. I look around, noticing the beds were empty. The boys had already left to go set the stage and merch tables.

After a bit of sitting on the bed and contemplating getting ready, I decided that I didn't really care that I wasn't wearing makeup and was just in a t-shirt and sweats.

I wanted my chocolate chip frap, and I wanted it now.

I throw the covers off, walking out of the room. I walk down the stairs and towards the breakfast bar.

"Good morning, Maddie." I hear from behind me.

"Oh, hey T.J." I say, smiling. He was wearing a burgundy t-shirt and black sweatpants, and it was hella attractive. And his messy hair–

No, you can't think these things, Maddie, you're basically dating Shawn.

"What's up?" he asks, walking up to me. He was a lot taller than I remembered.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just getting breakfast and taking it upstairs. Usually Cameron wouldn't let me, but he and the other guys are gone. They have to go set the stage and stuff for an event they have today." I say, walking into the kitchen. He laughs.

"Sounds fun." T.J says, following me. I grab a cup and make my chocolate chip frap. Then, I grab some yogurt, a fruit tray, and a box of cereal.

"Do you need help carrying all that?" he asks, chuckling.

"Yes, please." I say, smiling slyly. I hand him two yogurts and the cereal box, and he follows me upstairs to my room.

"I'm surprised how clean this room is. From the looks of Cameron's YouTube videos, they like to get quite rowdy." he says. I laugh.

"I keep the boys in line. It's okay to have a little fun here and there, but they know I'd probably kill them if I had to sleep in a pile of half-chewed oatmeal again." I say, recalling the memory quite clearly when Matt, Nash, and Cam did the dry oatmeal challenge.

"Party pooper." Tyler teases.

"I am not!" I exclaim, throwing a Cheerio his direction. He laughs, dodging the airborne object. He throws a strawberry at me, hitting me in the forehead.

"Oh, it's on!" I declare, flicking yogurt his way.

Within minutes of our food fight, there was yogurt and cereal and chunks of fruit everywhere.

"I win." Tyler says, dumping the box of cereal over my head. I groan.

"Not fair." I whine. I pick up a pillow, whizzing it at his head, but he dodges it and I miss, falling backwards. I fall flat on my back on the bed, the air knocked out of me. Tyler slips in the mess, falling onto me. He catches himself with his arms, his nose just inches from mine. I laugh.

"I win." I say. He smiles, scanning my eyes.

After a few seconds, his smile fades and his expression becomes more serious. He leans in, his lips grazing mine.

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