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Maddie's POV-

I wave goodbye to Cameron and the guys as they walk into the lobby. They were going to talk and stuff about something Magcon related, so I didn't really care. I would have the hotel room to myself.

I slam the door behind me, running to the dresser to I change out of my swimsuit and into my comfiest clothes. I wear a navy t-shirt, not bothering to put any pants on since I was too lazy to do it, it was too hot, and I was by myself for the next couple hours.

I finish changing, sitting on Shawn and I's bed. I click on the television, unwrapping my burger. I watch Supernatural for a while, throwing out my trash when I was done eating. I decide to grab a bottle of water from the mini fridge.

I set down my cup on the side table, turn on my side, and for the first time in a while, I cry. The accumulated emotions from the past three hours become overwhelming and I let it all out, sobbing into the fluffy white pillow. I let out all the emotion I was feeling, all of the hurt that had been building up inside of me for so long. I'd become accustomed to being the third wheel, and it hurt me to realize that. Maybe that's why I always attained Shawn's attention; because he knew I was lonely. I sob quietly, eventually dozing off.


I'm woken by the covers being pulled off of me, leaving my bare skin cold. My eyes fly open, focusing on the clock.

10:47 pm

Had I slept that long? When Shawn left it was around three o'clock.

Cameron and Nash's snores were audible from the bed across from us, signaling they had come back from the meeting and gone to sleep.

Supernatural was still playing on mute, so I just use the remote to turn it off. I curl up into the sheets, shivering slightly at the cool summer night air. I pull the sheets over me, earning an unconscious grunt from Shawn.

"Oh, shut up." I mumble. I wrap us in the comforter, closing my eyes. I'm almost asleep when I'm startled awake and I feel two familiar, strong arms pull me backwards into his chest.

"That's not a very nice thing to say." Shawn whispers in my ear, and I shiver at his warm breath. Shawn hugs me close, spooning me.

As much as I was mad at Shawn right now, I still loved having his arms protectively around me. I squirm closer to his warm body, trying to get warm. I doze back off to the rhythm of his heartbeat.


Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Be-

I slam my hand down on the alarm clock and spin it around towards me so I can read it.

7:30 am

Why was the alarm set so early?

I pull my arm back under the covers, snuggling back into Shawn's strong arms. His light snores were audible, and I flip over on my side to watch him sleep.

His eyes dance underneath his eyelids, lost in a dream. His nose flared slightly every time he breathed, causing me to laugh. Shawn's eyes shot open immediately, and I screamed, falling off the bed.

"What the hell?" Shawn said, looking over the edge of the bed at my crumpled body on the floor. He let out a loud laugh.

"Were you watching me sleep?" he asks, smirking at me.

"No." I lie. He gives me a doubtful look as I crawl back onto the bed.

"You drive me nuts, little Dallas." he mumbles.


Hey guys! Two updates in one night, how great is that? 😏

How was this chapter? What do you think is going on between Maddie and Shawn? 😦

Don't forget to press those buttons 😘❤️

(word count: 1535>>643) edited 8-7-17

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