t w e n t y - e i g h t

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FT: random media pic I took yesterday in Cleveland, OH that has 0 relevance to this chapter whatsoever.

(also, just to clear things up for those who aren't very familiar with the Magcon fam, there's two Jacks. Jack Gilinsky and Jack Johnson. Sometimes, I refer to these two characters by their last names, because it gets rather confusing when I don't specify which one lol}

Maddie's POV-

11:16 pm

I roll over on my other side, trying to get comfortable. After a while of desperately trying to get warm and in a comfortable sleeping position, I give up.  I roll over on my other side again and sit up, rubbing the nape of my neck. Jack was laying next to me, his right arm unconsciously thrown over me in his sleep. I scoff in disgust, brushing it off me. Jack was cool and all, but I didn't feel comfortable with sleeping with anyone but Shawn. I especially didn't want to be touched by anyone other than Shawn.

I swing my legs to the edge of the bed and stand up, stretching my tight shoulders out a little bit.

The room was dark with the exception of the dim television playing on mute. I had fallen asleep during the movie.

There was empty pizza boxes on the floor and random popcorn crumbs trailing everywhere. How that happens, I have no clue. But a good guess would be that the boys probably had a messy food fight again.

I tiptoe through the mess on the floor to get to the door. The boys were now in bed, Cameron, was laying flat on his stomach, and Nash and Hayes were kinda laying over him and they managed to take up the entire bed space. I refrain from laughing at the awkward situation. I leave as quietly as possible so I don't wake them up.

I pad quietly to Shawn's room and open the door slowly. He was snoring quietly, his mouth slightly agape. I crawl into bed with him, sliding underneath the linen covers as gently as possible. Shawn shifts in his sleep, mumbling in his dreams.

I plant a small kiss on his nose, examining his adorable face.

God, I was so lucky.

Shawn's lips curve slowly into a smile of his own, his eyes flitting open ever-so-slightly.

"Hey you." he whispers.

"Hey." I whisper back. He closes his eyes again, his smile fading slightly. He was falling back asleep.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you, too, baby." he whispers, before we both fall back to sleep.


(9:45 am, next day)

Cameron's POV-

"Okay, so you're telling me that we can't possibly get the venue to open an hour earlier?" I say irritatedly into the phone.

The boys and Maddie we sitting on the patio chairs just a couple feet away from me, listening to the conversation. They gave each other nervous glances, thinking exactly what I was thinking.

"No, sir, the earliest time we're going to have to allow you to open the venue is one." the manager says.

"No, no, no! Sir, we discussed this on the phone last weekend, and you told me the venue hours were ten-thirty to nine." I say into the phone. I kick a rock down the side walk, sending it skidding across the street to the other side.

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