t w e n t y - s e v e n

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Maddie's POV-

"I don't want to be friends with you, Madeleine. I want to be so much more than friends." He whispers.

My heart drops, and I almost stumble back at his words. His eyes show emotion I've never seen before, or maybe haven't noticed.

Has Shawn always felt this way about me?

"Y-you—uh—you what?" I ask, clearing my throat, not quite believing what I'm hearing. Shawn steps even closer, gently stoking my jawline with his fingertips.


"Shawn, I really don't think we can do this right now. I'm too young... we are too young to have something more than a friendship. I'm not ready, I'm sorry." I say. And with that, I walk away from him.

And, if you listened closely in the silence of the empty stairwell, I'm sure you would've heard his fragile little heart shatter into pieces.


Shawn's POV-     

"Shawn, I really don't think we can do this right now. I'm too young... we are too young to have something more than a friendship. I'm not ready, I'm sorry." she says. And with that, she turns and walks away from me, and leaves the stairwell. Any warmth from her tiny body's presence that was previously here, just mere seconds ago, had completely disappeared.

I drop my hand from where it was previously resting on her chin, running it through my hair. Tears threatened to leak from my eyes, as I turned slowly and walk up the long stairwell.

When I get to the top of the stairs, I open the door to our floor and walk a little ways to our room. I swipe my room key in the hotel door to unlock it, walking in. Matthew and Hayes sit on the edge of the bed next to mine, playing X-BOX on the tv.

"Hey, dude." Hayes says, not looking up. I don't respond, afraid if I open my mouth I'll start to cry. I couldn't tell them about Maddie, and I definitely couldn't cry in front of them. Hayes looked up to me as an idol, I couldn't let him down by showing him my weakness.

"You okay, man?" Matt asks, glancing up at me briefly.

"I'm fine, I just need to rest." I lie. They don't say anything, so I just take off my shoes and lay down, drifting off to sleep shortly after.


Maddie's POV-

"Cameron," I whisper into the semi-dark hotel room.

"Hmmmm... what?" he murmurs.

"I need to talk to you." I whisper through the darkness.

"Is it important?" he groans, rolling over on his other side. I pause, hesitating to tell him.

"It's about Shawn." I whisper almost inaudibly. At this, Cameron sits up, throwing the covers off of his bare chest.

No one else was asleep, it wasn't even six o'clock, yet. I guess Cam had jet lag, too.

As soon as we're in the hallway, he hits me with the questions.

"Okay, what happened?" he asks, rubbing his tired eyes. He looked completely beat, I almost felt really bad for waking him up just to talk about this.

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