t w e n t y - f i v e

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Maddie's POV

I wake up a couple hours later when I started to get cold. I shivered into my seat, standing and reaching into my carry-on to grab my jacket. I put it on and zip it up to my chin.

Shawn was still asleep. He was passed out, his arms folded around himself in his sleep.

Looks like he got cold, too.

I look across the isle and spot Nash awake, earbuds in. He was nodding his head to his music's beat while his fingers tapped furiously on his phone's screen.

He noticed me looking at him out of the corner of his eye. He looks my direction, taking an earbud out so he could talk to me.

"Hey, Mads. We're almost there, probably landing within the next twenty minutes. You can rest for a little longer, but you're going to have to gather all of your things soon so we're ready to go." Nash whispers from across the isle so he doesn't wake Shawn or the others who were sleeping. I nod and he puts his earbuds back in.

I look at my window, staring at all of the tiny cars and buildings below. The buildings were gradually getting bigger the farther in the distance they went. Little private homes, growing to small businesses, highways, and hotels and a couple larger homes, gradually getting bigger until you could spot New York's infamous skyscrapers.

I decide to get my stuff before we landed, so I gathered my carry-on bag and miscellaneous things out from under my seat and prepared for landing.

Soon enough, the flight attendant came over the intercom and tells us we'll be landing soon.

We started to descend, so I shoved Shawn, but he didn't wake up, so I just slapped his arm. He shot awake instantly, glaring at me

"What the hell..."

"Wake up, we're landing." I say. He rolls his neck out, sitting up and grabbing his stuff.

We land within minutes, rolling to a stop. We do the usual, grabbing our things and filing off of the plane.

We walk into the airport and gather once we had everything. There were a couple food stands, so I grabbed Cameron and made him buy me a slushie and some fries. We sat at small table in the lobby and shared the fries and slushie.

Shawn, Matthew, and Aaron had gone to the pizza stand and Carter, Nash, Taylor, and the Jacks went to In N' Out. I would've gone with them under normal circumstances, but I wasn't really hungry after the plane trip, even though I basically ate In N' Out religiously.

Once I steal the last four fries from our tray, I take the little fry boat and throw it out. Cameron claimed the slushie, and I was perfectly okay with that.

Shawn, Aaron and Matt were finishing up their pizza and were throwing their trash away, too, so meet up with them and helped them wipe the table off. The others were wrapping up as well, once we were done cleaning up, so we got our stuff and went to wait in the lobby for the Ubers to arrive.

But, of course, things didn't go as we had planned.

Once we stepped foot into the lobby, where people also waiting for their flights were sitting, I could spot lots of teenage girls around, and I knew it was just a matter of time before they recognized the guys.

Sure enough, within a minute, two identical twin girls ran out of line and up to Cameron, hugging him.

"I love you so much, Cameron!" the one girl said. Cameron smiled, hugging the girls back.

"I love you guys, too." he said.

"Can we get a picture?" the other girl asks.

"Of course we can." Cameron says. One of the girls hands me her pink sparkly iPhone with the hairline fractures in the screen so I could take their picture.

I take several pictures and even a couple candids so they'd get the pictures they wanted.

A lone girl, probably my age and height, gasps and squeals from across the lobby and comes up to Shawn and Matt as the other girls are leaving, tears streaming down her face.

"Omg! I love you guys!" she says, practically sobbing. She takes a couple selfies with the boys and leaves, hugging all the guys.

When we exit the lobby, there are hundreds of girls gathered at the entrance, holding phones and fan signs.

Shawn immediately loops his arm in mine so that we don't get separated. He's always been overprotective of me.

"Maddie!" A girl screams. She slips a piece of paper in my free hand and I'm pushed through the crowd, so I don't get a chance to look at it immediately or even question the girl.

I'm shoved forward by the massive crowd of people, and Shawn and I's arms separate. I turn my head to look for him, but only catch a glimpse of his worried face before he's shoved away from me in the crowd.

We're escorted by security through the swarm and into two separate Ubers.

I get into the Uber's back seat first, sitting on the farthest side from the crowd as I can. Then I spot Taylor and then Carter get in seat with me. Cameron gets in the passenger seat, and we pull away. Girls press their hands against the glass of the car windows as we pull away, and I hear the security guard yell for them to get back.

We eventually leave the airport, driving into the freeway, and Cameron gives the Uber directions to our hotel.

"Well, I guess we can tell how the New York convention will go. These New York fans are crazy, man." Taylor says. I can't help but laugh, and Carter even lets out a chuckle.

"I'm just wondering how they knew what airport and what time we were going to arrive. We specifically didn't go to the Kennedy airport in the city for this reason." Cameron says.

"They always find a way, Cam." Carter says.

I watch out my window as we get onto the turnpike and start driving towards a Hampton Inn and some various restaurants.

We pull into the lot and get dropped off at the entrance of the Hampton Inn. It was really nice, with sandstone landscaping and pretty rose bushes stippling the front of the hotel.

I grab my two suitcases and cross body and get out, going into the hotel. This time, Nash checks us into the hotel, and we wait in the lobby for the others to come in before we head upstairs to our rooms.


Hey guys! REALLY WEIRD PLACE TO STOP, I know. I have forgotten to update all this week. The thing is, I have exams and a dance audition coming up for a really big dance school intensive so it's extremely important I focus on my schoolwork even more because I've been dancing four hours a day, and the only day we get off is Sunday. So yeah, I apologize, but once this is over I'll write more. I know I promised this would be a long chapter, and it wasn't, so expect me to update this chapter soon because I'm adding onto it.

Again, I'm really sorry if I disappointed anyone. I'm trying to update as fast as I can, it's just really hard because I need to come up with the plot when I'm writing, so I can't just write a little bit here and there, I actually need to sit and write in a comfortable environment

Aka, my bed with earbuds in playing music on low volume with my cat curled up in my lap and my room MUST BE WARM jk but having a warm room in the winter is really nice.

Okay, thank you for reading my 2:41 am rant. I honestly could've written a lot but I used all of this on a stupid rant lmao.

Bye guys, see you soon. 😋🤗


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