Chapter 3:

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Chapter 3:

Through class I put my head down as I take notes letting my hair cover my face. Today I didn’t wear my big sweater because im embracing my baby. I don’t want to hide her any longer because it isn’t her fault. I don’t have a big bump but I do have a pudge that is noticeable in my black superman shirt.

My jeans barley buttoned this morning letting me know that I need more clothes but I’m to poor to be able to afford new clothes so I will have to just tuck them in when they don’t fit anymore.

People openly stair at me in class and in the halls but no one has said anything to me about it. They probably think my father took the beating too far one day and had his way with me. No one would ever believe that the schools goody two shoes did this to me.

The bell to the end of the day finally rings and I stay in my seat until everyone clears out. Slowly I put my stuff in my bag and come to a rise carefully so my stomach doesn’t bump the desk.

“Oh God.” I hear him say making me jump in shock.

Looking at him I hold my bag onto my shoulder tightly not wanting this to happen but I should have known it would.

He’s a senior and we have nun of the same classes together so why is he here.

Shaking his head he looks down at my stomach running his hands through his hair. “W-what do y-you want?” I ask him a little shakily putting my hands on my stomach as if to shield it from him.

“I heard but I had to see with my own eyes.” He says looking back up to my face.  I turn my eyes from his repulsed. “Who’s the father?” he asks all of a sudden and my eyes snap back to his with a look of disbelief.

“Who took my innocence?” I ask him strongly and I swear I see him flinch a second before he masks his face.

He gets closer to me and says lowly “Don’t tell anyone about this.”

I back up from him and says “Stay away from me and my baby and we won’t have any problems.”

He smirks at me and says “I don’t want your baby but remember I already had you.”

Biting my lip to hold back the tears I run past him and out of the room out of the school getting into my car quickly. How could I ever forget what hes done to me.

Putting my bag in front of my stomach I knock on the door waiting for my mother to answer. She answers with a sour look on her face before she walks away letting me come into the house. First I go to the kitchen and look through the fridge and cabinets looking for food but I don’t find anything so I go to my room and weep hungry and tired from today's events.


“Get out of my face woman!” My father bellows out at my mother.

“I just want you to love me.” She yells back and I flinch because I know whats going to happen next.

I hear the skin smacking against skin and then my mother’s cry fills the apartment. This has been going on since twelve this afternoon and its now six at night. I’m afraid to leave my room because both of their anger will be brought back to me so I havn’t ate. Not that there is anything to eat because my mom needs her drugs.

Turning toward the window I gaze out as the sun starts to set. I just stair and stare at the stars wishing me and my baby had a better life wishing that I didn’t have to raise her in an environment like this.

My wishing turns to praying and I just beg God to bring us someone, someone that will love us like their own.

My phone chirps in the middle of my prayer and I jump looking at it only theres nothing on there. I go to the call list and my eyes widen when I see Avlons name pop up. I look at the clock and then back at my phone with a frown when I read two fifty five AM. I press the star button to lock my phone but it stays bright and on her name.

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