Chapter 25:

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Chapter 25:

"I can't wait until she can go outside." I tell Wolf.

Little Avlee is propped up on my knees so we can get a clear view of her and her beautiful self. Wolf chuckles and states "Neither can I because I want to show her off."

I smile over at him and says "She would love that daddy."

Wolf beams at me and looks me over a few seconds. He looks so hard with his serious expression it makes me un-easy. "What?"

"Do you look at her and see him?" he asks practically growling when he says him.

"Actually no." I say with a smile and a shake of my head. "She acts like you."

Wolf cocks his head confused and asks "How so?"

"You may not be her real father but she does a lot of things that you do so I can tell she looks up to you."

Wolf smiles and asks "What does she do?"

"Well when she's studying something she narrows her eyes and gums the inside of her cheeks. I had never seen anyone do that before I met you. When she sleeps she throws one arm over her head and puts the other on her stomach, again you. I even got a picture of the two of you." I state with a smile and Wolf chuckles asking to see it.

The only thing Avlee has that is her fathers is her black hair but I replaced that. Now to me her black hair comes from Wolf. I don't want to hate my baby and I don't want any part of her to belong to him so I substituted the hair.

Wolf laughs and says "Send me that. I wanna send it to Ford."

I quickly send it to him and ask "How is Ford doing?"

"He's been wanting to call you." Wolf says and I raise a brow at him. "He didn't want to catch you while you or Avlee are sleeping."

I smile at how considerate he is but he has two kids so he probably knows that its hard to get a baby back to sleep. "I should call him." I state and Wolf smiles at me telling me he would like that.

So getting my phone I find his number and put it to my ear. "Braylee." Fords happy voice says over the line. "I just got the picture of Avlee and Wolf she is so beautiful."

"Aww thank you so much Ford!"

"I can't wait to see her. I was going to call you but I didn't know if you were busy."

Smiling I state "You can call me any time Ford."

"I know how it is with a baby you have to sleep when they sleep."

"You really do."

"My brother is loving it." he tells me and I smile over at Wolf making him raise a brow at me in question. "I get a new picture every twenty minutes."

Amused I say "He's starting to annoy the men at work with pictures. He still shows them the ultrasound pictures."

Ford laughs amused and says "He reminds me of myself. I still show the nurses at the hospital ultrasounds of Marissa." Amused I chuckle at that because she is four years old. I wonder if Wolf will be like that. "Are you living together?" he asks all of a sudden and I raise a brow.

"My parents are really strict Christians so they don't really believe in that before marriage."

"Oh." Ford says and I raise a brow wondering what that means. "Has he proposed?"


"Have you talked about it?"

"We have and im all for it."

When Ford speaks next you can hear the smile in his voice "Awesome you are great for him and so is little Avlee. You both have made him grow from his immature ways."

"Thank you Ford."

"I'm just telling it like it is Braylee. Have you asked your parents about Christmas yet?"

Frowning I state "I actually havn't its all been so hectic."

"I understand call me when you find out." I tell him I will and then he asks to talk to Wolf. As they talk on the phone Avlee starts crying so I leave the room to feed her.

Once she's finished I burp her and then go back into the living room right as Dallas walks through the door. He grins and runs to the kitchen to wash his hands. I sit on the couch beside Wolf waiting for Dallas to come back out. Not seconds later he swoops her out of my arms and starts gushing over her.

Dallas has her any time that he is inside of the house. He probably takes just as much pictures as Wolf does and I know he's extra excited for her to be able to go outside. He said that she's never going to be in the house again because he's taking her every where.

He will be a wonderful father when his baby's make an appearance because he is already wonderful to me and Avlee.

"I've got to get to work beautiful but I will be by right when I get off." Wolf tells me and I nod already knowing that he had to work today. "I love you." he tells me getting up to kiss my forehead.

"I love you." I tell him watching him walk out of the door.

"Hey Dad?" I ask looking over to Dallas as he sits in the recliner. He raises a brow at me in question and I state "I need to talk to you and mom."

"Come on then." he says rising. I follow him up the stairs and into their room.

Avlon smiles at us and sets her magazine down. "What do I owe this pleasant surprise?"

"B wants to talk to us." Dallas states sitting on the bed beside her. She gives Avlee a kiss on the forehead and then looks back at me.


Nodding I play with my hands and then I look up at them to see them watching me closely. "Wolf wants me to spend Christmas with him."

Dallas nods and says "Ya are ah couple now it makes since."

"The only thing is he goes to Ohio were his older brother lives."

Dallas and Avlon both frown at that making me more nervous than I already was. ""How long would you stay?" Avlon asks.

"Just a week and then I would have the other week with you all." Christmas break at school is only two weeks long. To me that's not really enough time.

"Are there going to be parents there?" Dallas asks watching me closely.

I nod and state "For and his wife Heather."

"You know our rules Braylee." Avlon says with a smile and I nod quickly at her. "We trust you baby and as long as you remember our rules I don't see why you couldn't. What do you think?" she asks Dallas and I watch him fingers crossed as he thinks it over.

Finally after making me sweat Dallas nods and says "Separate beds separate rooms and I don't think there will be a problem with it."

I squeal excited causing Avlee to start crying. "Thank you so much." I gush to them going over to Avlee.

"Go get some sleep it's grandpas time." Dallas says when I start to take her.

"Goodnight love y'all."

Together they say "We love you." making me beam at the love that they have.

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