Chapter 26:

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Chapter 26:

Avlee is now four weeks and two days old and Grandpa Dallas is having the time of his life. The morning she hit four weeks he busted into my door and said that he wanted to take her out side and show her off to the guys. It amused me because he is so sweet with her and he loves her so much.

Every day since she hit four weeks she has been out of the house never more than two hours though because Dallas makes sure she eats. I swear his kids are going to be sumo's before they hit one. He thinks food is the solution for every cry and most times he is right.

This morning when we go into church Dallas gets her out of her seat and takes her around to show everyone. He doesn't let them touch her but he lets them gush about how cute she is. "I think he's worse than me." Wolf states from beside me on the pew.

Amused I shake my head because yesterday Wolf went into work when he wasn't scheduled so he could show everyone there. He said they were all just having a time with her. "No one is worse than you." On his phone he already has his camera full of pictures with her and he has some in his house also. The day she was four weeks he took us out so that we could get her pictures professionally taken and he has a wall at his house all dedicated to her. There's pictures of me and her and her and him and her from his phone and my and the photographer.

 "I think their tied." Avlon says with a giggle. (So I don't think your suppose to go anywhere on complete bed rest but Avlon goes to Church!!) I nod at her because they can be tied they just love her so much its adorable.

"Good morning everyone!" Pastor says as he comes into the sanctuary. We all smile and say Hello. Dallas comes and sits by Avlon giving Avlee to a beaming Wolf. "We're going to start off in prayer and then were gonna hear a little about our awesome savior." Pastor calls up Elder Kilgore and she smiles bowing her head.

"Father we thank you today for who you are. We thank you for being a father, a friend a comforter and anything else we need. We thank you and we praise you for getting us here safely today. We all ask that you touch pastor today and give him the words to help us receive and give us the hearts to receive what he says. In Jesus name Amen." The congregation says amen and then Pastor comes back up to the front to begin service.

"Today I just want to talk about God's love. God's love is undying, unfailing!"


"Give me the little munchkin!!" Eva sings coming to get Avlee from me. Smiling I hand my baby over, happy that everyone accepts her.

After church we are having a dinner with all of the family's. Houston, Wayne, Walter, Mark, just everyone and their family's are here.

"I think I should get to hold her first!" Tiffany pouts "You always get to hold her."

"Lady's! Lady's!" Wolf says from beside me "I know my baby girl is a Doll and it amuses me to see you fighting over her but I think your frightening her."

I look at Avlee and frown when I see her eyes wide as she looks up at Eva. "Keep scaring my grand baby and neither of you will have her." Dallas says and I shake my head amused at these two men.

"Now, now." Avlon says getting into the mix. "They already don't have her." Eva sighs when Avlon says that because she knows what that means.

"You get to see her everyday." Eva whines holding onto Avlee for dear life.

Shrugging Avlon grins and says "Grandma always has first dibs."

Eva groans with an eye roll and states "You say that every time Avlon, it's not fair."

"Life's not fair." Avlon states with an amused chuckle.

"Now lady's am I going to have to take my Doll?" Wolf asks getting serious as he watches Avlee closely. I smile at his protectiveness and grab his hand giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Their just playing baby she's fine." Wolf frowns down at me not at all convinced.

"You know what I think?" Dallas asks giving Wolf a look of understanding "I think it's grandpas time." he holds out his hands for Avlee and both woman sigh but agree. He smiles in triumph when she's in his arms and walks away to have a conversation with the guys.

"Do you have to work tonight?" I ask Wolf when Avlon and Eva walk away to have a conversation with the other women.

Nodding Wolf says "I'm going in because I want to take you and Doll somewhere tomorrow." Wolf started calling Avlee Doll a few weeks ago. He said that she is just so perfect she looks like a baby doll. I thought it was the sweetest thing ever and I still beam when ever I hear him say it.

"Where?" I ask excitedly because we really havn't been able to go anywhere together since Avlee has been born.

Wolf slings his arm over my shoulder and beams down at me. "It's a secret beautiful, you'll just have to wait until tomorrow."

Frowning I state "I don't like secrets."

Chuckling Wolf stating "I know and that's why I LOVE them." the emphasis he puts on love has me rolling my eyes.


IT's short so sorry but i'm excited because I got to update!



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