Chapter 41:

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Early morning post for all of my lovely's!!! (Even though I hate mornings!)

Chapter 41:

"Oh Lord." I mumble when the alarm starts beeping loudly. Wolf quickly reaches over to the end table and shuts it off but the beats has already been awaken.

Avlee's screams fill the air again and I start freaking out because I don't know what to do. She's been crying like this all night. Wolf and I have not got a wink of sleep and it's our first day back fro winter break.

Avlee is now two months old and all was going well. She was sleeping soundly and getting more curious but last night that all changed. "I don't know what to do." I cry looking at Wolf with watery eyes.

"Cupcake calm down, it's okay." he tells me softly taking Avlee out of my arms. She's not hungry and she doesn't need changed but her stomach keeps rumbling but she's not letting out gas and I have no clue what to do. Never have I been around baby's that can't release wind and never have I had that problem myself.

Reaching over I get my phone off of the end table and dial May's number. "Braylee?" she asks confused.

"Did I wake you?" I ask regretfully.

"No honey I am just walking into the hospital." May's a doctor so that's why I called her.

"Can you help me?" I ask desperate.

"Of course honey what is it?" she asks growing even more concerned by the second.

"Avlee can't fart so she has been up all night with stomach pains and neither Wolf or myself know what to do."

May sighs relieved and says "Lay her on her tummy and rub gently but firmly in a clockwise motion and that should help her. If that doesn't work try some mint extract. All you do is dip a tooth pick in it and then dip the toothpick in a bottle full of warm water. She only needs a few sips and she will be good to go."

Sighing In relief I relax a little and say gratefully "Thank you so much May."

"No problem honey call me any time." We say our goodbyes and I hang up the phone. "Let me see her." I tell Wolf and he hands her over.

After about ten minutes of rubbing her back she lets out the loudest toot surprising Wolf and I. "Thank God." I mumble still rubbing her back as the toots keep coming.

"Now we can get ready for school." Wolf says coming to a rise.

I frown and lift Avlee to my chest. "I'm not going." I tell him seriously leaning against the head board.

"Braylee." Wolf sighs getting a shirt out of the dresser. "We've talked about this beautiful. It's going to be hard but it has to be done."

"I can't leave her Wolf." I mumble with my lips against Avlee's forehead. She closes her eyes and I smile down at my beautiful baby when her breathing gets even. Finally she is able to get some sleep.

"Cupcake, you have to treat this situation like a Band-Aid." he states. I raise a brow at him as if to say seriously and he chuckles at his reference. "I'm serious you just have to rip it off because tomorrow is going to be the same thing."

"Can't I just home school?" I ask seriously.

"You can't graduate early home schooling and then still you would have less time with Avlee."

Sighing I rise and place Avlee on the bed gently. "What if she needs me?" I ask softly looking her over.

"She'll always need you beautiful." Wolf says coming to wrap his arms around me from behind. "Eva will take good care of her though."

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