Chapter 9:

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Chapter 9:

"Good morning Beautiful." Wolf says when he walks into the class the next morning.

With a blush I look over at him and says "Good morning Wolf."

"How was the rest of your day?" he asks softly and I sigh.

"My mom hounded me all night about school." I say with a chuckle remembering all of the questions Avlon asked yesterday when I got home from school. She was even more excited than me. It was nice to see her so happy though and after Dallas thanked me for sharing every last detail with her. To say that we talked until five is an understatement we talked all during dinner and after.

"Your mom?" he asks with a raised eyebrow very confused.

"Oh no." I say quickly shaking my head. "I just got adopted like two days ago." I inform him and he nods slowly making me smile at him. "It's a long story."

"I'd like to hear it sometime?" Wolf says seriously and I shake my head telling him he really wouldn't. "Oh but I really would cupcake. I want to know everything about you."

"Alright lets open our books to..." The teacher says walking into the room cutting me off from my reply.

I'm obviously pregnant and not the best looking girl in the school so why would Wolf want to get to know me better?


Wide eyed I look at the boy in my face speechless. "Can I have a quickie?" he taunts and all of his friends laugh along with the crowd that is starting to gather.

I don't know what to say there's nothing to say. I've never been one to defend myself i'm the quiet nerdy outcast not a sarcastic prep.

"The silent ones are always the most fun." he chuckles and I step back away from him smacking into the lockers.

Gasping I look both ways for an escape and the boy chuckles putting his hands beside my head boxing me in. "P-pleas d-don't touch me."

"And she has a voice." he says smirking sickly making me shiver in disgust. He leans close to me and I scream at the top of my lungs bloody murder. Theres noting else I could do. I don't want him touching me. He's disgusting just like him.

A hand clamps over my mouth tightly and I hit him in the chest only for him to be ripped away from me. I hear flesh hitting flesh and I open my eyes shocked.

Wolf is on top of the boy pounding his face in. "WOLF!" I yell wanting him to stop. Wolf looks over at me and I look at the boy on the ground horrified when I see a tooth laying on the floor and blood on his face.

Wolf's look softens and he stands kicking the boy in the side before he comes over to me. He holds onto my shoulders looking me over concerned. "Are you okay?" he asks and I nod silently still shocked from what just happened.

"Wolf Blackwell." an authorative voice says booming through the hallway making me jump even more. "My office now!" he demands and Wolf smirks with an eye roll.

He puts his arm around my waist steering me to the office. People step out of our way just as shocked at what happened as I am. "You know." I say all of a sudden and Wolf looks down at me with a raised brow. "Violence is never the answer."

"It is to." Wolf says seriously and I shake my head.

"God did not intend of us to fight each other. He wants us to turn the other cheek and love everyone." Avlon told me that yesterday when I told her about Wolf going off on those kids in first period.

Wolf looks unsure and says "Even when he has you up against the locker?"

Shruging I say "The pulling him off of me was okay but that's when you should have stopped." I say seriously "Thank you for sticking up for me Wolf but I don't want you to get in trouble because of me."

"For you I would take a bullet." he says just as serious as me.

I purse my lips at him as we enter the office and demand "Don't say things like that."

"I'm being serious Cupcake." he says pushing open the principals door like he owns the place. He sits down in the chair across from his desk and smirks at the principal. I stand there rubbing my arm not knowing what to do.

I don't know if I should sit or run for my life. Never have I been in a situation like this before.

"Chase." Wolf says with a smile and the principal sighs running his hands over his aged face.

"I thought this was over."

"That prick started it." Wolf says with anger. the principal looks surprised and motions with his hand to follow. "He was pickin on my girl. Had her pressed against the locker." Wolf defends and I look down blushing when the principal looks at me.

"I'm not his girl." I mumble not that I don't want to be.

"She's playing hard to get." Wolf says and I see him smirking at the principal.

"Ma'am is this true?" the principal asks me seriously and I nod looking at him.

"I don't know what he would have done if Wolf didn't show up." I say truthfully because I don't know what he would have done. He was so close to me I was freaking out.

The principal nods and says "Three days." to Wolf making Wolf sigh and I look at them both confused.

"What's three days mean?" I ask looking between them.

Wolf turns to me and frowns making me frown in return. "I get three days out of school. I wont be back until Thursday." he informs me and I from. Already I was not going to be able to see him two days now I have to wait five.

"Oh." I mumble with a nod bummed about this whole ordeal.

Wolf stands me come over to me looking concerned. "It'll be okay beautiful. I'll see you Thursday."

"Okay but um I should really go. Avlon is probably waitin for me." I say looking at the clock to see In five minutes late. Wolf gives me a confused look and I smile at him. "My mom."

Wolf puts his arm around my waist and says "I'll walk you out."

I smile and we make our way outside. "Give me your phone." Wolf says a bit demanding and I raise a brow at him getting it out of my bag. Avlon and Dallas surprised me with a new phone yesterday after I had finally answered all of Avlons Questions. I guess they put me on their plan or something.

"Please would suffice."

"Sorry cupcake. Please give me your phone."

"Better." I praise sticking it into his large hand. He quickly types something in and gives it back to me with a smirk.

"Txt me beautiful." he says giving me waist a squeeze before he winks at me and walks away.

I watch him get into a black jeep and jump shocked when I hear a horn being blown.

Looking over I see Eva hanging out of her car window waving her hand wildly. Smiling brightly I make my way over to her. Eva is my favorite besides for Avlon of course. She is so peppy and down to earth and her little girl is just adorable.

"Hey." I smile getting into the front seat. "Hi Ellie." I coo and she beams at me.

"Soooo." Eva says excitedly pulling out and I dread what comes next. "Who was the handsome young man with his arm around your waist?"

"His names Wolf."

"Wolf." Eva says wiggling her eyebrows "I like it." I sigh and she beams at me stating "You know im not letting this go right?"

Already knowing this I sigh "I know."

"So how did you meet Wolf?"

"We have first together." Eva looks over at me quickly and gives me a go on look. "He's the only one that talks to me."

"Avlon told me everyone was shunning you. Don't worry about them. God loves you and he brought Wolf to you so you wouldn't have to be alone."

Nodding in understanding I say "Dallas told me to let it roll so that's what im doing."

"Good, Always listen to what Dallas says. He's smart."

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