Chapter 5:

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Chapter 5:

The next morning I wake up to a knock at my door. Avlon opens it and smiles at me handing me a dress. “I only got four months but I bought this for when I started growing. I hope it fits.”

“Thank you.” I say taking the maternity dress from her.

She gives me a smile and says “Use the shower if you want there’s some towels in the cabinet over the toilet.”

I give her a grateful smile as she leaves the room happy that we met that day at the doctor’s office.

After I get a smile I feel so much better so much cleaner. I change into the green dress Avlon gave me and smile when it fits just perfectly. You can see the little outline of my stomach but its not to obvious.

I go downstairs and Dallas says that I can get what ever I want to eat so I beam and get down the count chocula making me a bowl. I eat quickly and then wash the dishes in the sink before I go to the living room and sit on the couch.

Avon comes in with a beaming smile and nods at me before she goes into her husband’s office closing the door.

She’s so much brighter and happier now that she is pregnant but I cant help and second guess it. God has taken away two of her other baby’s so why not this one. I don’t want to say anything though because shes happy and I want her to be happy.

I don’t even know her but I look up to her already. She’s super sweet and such a great person to be around she will make a great mother and I know it. I think that’s why I’m sad today. I’m sad because I know soon or a later I will have to go home. I’ll have to go home and probably never see these wonderful people again.

“How are you doing?” Avlon asks plopping down on the couch beside me.

Looking over at her I frown and state “I don’t know.”

“Do you wanna go home?” she asks me and I shake my head.

“No, I think that’s what im worried about.”

Avlon sits up straighter confused and asks “What do you mean?”

“I don’t want to go back but I don’t know where I would go.” I tell her seriously because I don’t want to put my baby in a bad situation but I also have no friends or other family that I know of.

Avlong brings her eyebrows together seriously and says “You’d stay here of course.”

My heart swells that she would want me to stay here and I smile at her but shake my head. “You just found out your pregnant Avlon. You and your husband don’t need a teenager and her baby.”

“I’ve already asked Dallas and he agrees with me.” I open my mouth to protest and she shakes her head holding her hand up at me. “My friend Eva is going to give you everything from her first baby, we are going to have to ask your parents and then switch your schools and you’d have to help out around the house but we would love for you to stay here Braylee.”

Just flabbergast that this man and woman would allow me to stay here, Want me to stay here I nod quickly and say “I can do all of that. I can even get a job so im able to buy my baby everything that it needs.”

“We just have to ask your parents.” Avlon says again and I nod dreading that day.

With pursed lips I say “I don’t think they would object.”

Avlon gives me a small smile and says “We’ll have to talk to them soon.”

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