Chapter 19:

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Chapter 19:

Quickly I go out of the front door and smile when I see Wolf already sitting in his Jeep waiting for me. "You could have honked." I tell him when I climb into the front seat.

Shrugging Wolf starts down the drive as he states. "You knew I was here there was no use rushing you. Sides I don't mind waiting on my beautiful girls."

I give him a real smile happy that he still thinks of us as his girls after I told him everything that happened to me. Personally I would have been disgusted but Wolf has such a big heart. He may not let people see it but I see it all of the time.

"So where are we going?" I ask him as he gets on the highway.

Wolf grins at me and says "I want to get some stuff to make Skittles a room at my house."

"Really?" I ask him shocked sitting up to look at him seriously. "Why?" I ask because I mean I know were dating and I know he says that he wants to take care of her but I didn't think he was that serious about it.

Wolf nods and spares me a quick glance before looking back at the highway. "Cupcake how many times do I have to tell you before that pretty little brain of yours gets it. Your mine and this baby is mine. I may not be the biological father but im going to take care of her like I am. I love you cupcake and i'm hoping that you'll be at my house a lot so I want to make her a room."

My heart swells the more he calls her his. I never really care if my baby had a father. To tell you that truth I planned on being one of those lonely cat lady's that dedicated all of her time to her cats because she didn't have a man. I was so fine with that because of what had happened to me but when Wolf talked to me that first day of school everything changed so much and I knew I was not a cat lady any longer. "That means you would want her to sleep over?"

"Not just her." Wolf says and I raise a brow at him.

"You know Avlon and Dallas don't approve of that nor does God." They may be okay with him sleeping over at ours because there are adults there so they know that he would stay on the couch. At Wolf's though there are no adults so how do they know that we wouldn't sneak into each others rooms to sleep.

Wolf grins and says "After I talk to Dallas I don't think that will be a problem Cupcake and I don't think God would either." Wolf has been going to church with me a lot well every Sunday and everyone there loves him and he likes everyone also. He sings the songs and shouts thank you Jesus when he likes something that has been said. I have a feeling that he's letting God in but he just doesn't want to say anything yet.

Confused I ask "What are you going to talk to him about?"

Wolf chuckles amused and says "You'll find out later Cupcake."

I frown at him and let it go but I cant help and have my mind wonder what Wolf is going to talk to Dallas about.

When we get to the mall Wolf beams at me and gets out of the car quickly coming to my side. He helps me out and I smile at him. My stomach is getting huger and huger every day so its kind of hard to walk around now. I waddle and waddling is not pretty. "Do I look like a whale to you?" I ask Wolf.

Startled he looks down at me and says "No, Cupcake why would you ask that?"

Tears start to come to my eyes as I state "I feel like a whale and I don't want you to think I'm a whale."

"Braylee." Wolf sighs bringing me into his cheat. He tangles his hands in my hair and holds my head to his chest. Kissing the top of my head he state "Baby you are so beautiful you could never, ever look like a whale to me. Besides the little baby growing inside of you makes you all the more beautiful. Never say you look like a whale because Cupcake to me I could just eat you up." he says with a chuckle and then I smack his arm when he state "I don't think whale would taste that good."

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