Chapter 42:

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Chapter 42:

"She is not happy." Eva says with a grin handing me my crying baby.

"Oh my baby girl." I coo to her bringing her up so she can see my face. Her little face is all red and her cheeks are soaked with tears. "Awww mommy missed you to baby." I say to her softly kissing her forehead.

"She's not very good with the bottle." Eva tells me as I cradle my content baby against my chest.

"Really?" I ask with a frown "She takes it for Wolf."

"Wolf is her daddy." Eva says with a chuckle.

I nod in understanding because that may have something to do with it. "Is she to much for you?"

"Not at all hun." She says shaking her head quickly. "She has been fussy but she just started throwing a fit an hour before you showed up."

Pursing my lips I place Avlee in her seat and buckle her in "Are you sure shes not to much? I can get someone else to watch her I mean you have baby Farmer and Ellie."

Eva waves me off and states "Ellie is content for hours with a Barbie and Farmer is in his eat then sleep then eat again and sleep stage."

"Okay but I want you to tell me when she becomes to much."

Eva smiles and gives me a quick squeeze before handing me Avlee's bag. "She's fine honey don't worry about it."

"Thank you so much Eva." I tell her thankfully walking out to my car.

Once we're all settled in we drive an hour to the mall. Ashaunti and Allison wanted to meet at the mall so we could shop and just hang out getting to know each other. Before we go into the mall I feed Avlee and get her pink bassinet stroller out of the back placing her inside gently.

Wolf wanted a camo stroller also but they didn't have one so we had to settle on getting a camo blanket to lay underneath of her. After I tuck her diaper bag underneath I make my way into the mall.

"Braylee!" two voices shout at the same time. I look up and smile when I see them jumping up and down waving their hands frantically. They run over to us and look into Avlee's bassinet awing about how adorable she is.

"Thank's girls." I smile kindly. "So what grade are y'all in?"

"We're Junior's." Allison says falling into step with me and Ashaunti when we start walking.

"Are you still going to school next year?"

Shaking my head I look down at my little skittle and state "I'm going to graduate this year. My dad is going to help me with that. He's a lawyer and said that since I already have all of my credits it should be possible."

"Ohhh." Allison says wide eyed. "That's so cool. I wish I could graduate early. I still need like six credits senior year." she says with a frown and Ashanti nods in agreement.

"How long have y'all been friends?" I ask the girls looking in between them with a small smile.

They beam and share a glance between each other before they gush. "Since third grade."

Chuckling amused I state "You can tell."

"Braylee?" Someone asks confusion lacing their voice. Confused myself I look around and my eyes widen when they land on Layla. Layla my best friend that I some how forgot all about.

"Layla." I say just totally shocked.

"Oh my gosh it is you." she says beaming coming over to me. She wraps me in a tight hug and im so shocked it takes me a minute to recover. When I do though I am glad about it because her hugs are just like I remember. "How have you been?!" she practically shouts when she pulls away from me.

"I have been amazing! How have you been?"

"Good." she mumbles waving me off as she looks down at Avlee. "This is her?" she asks shooting me a quick glance. Smiling I nod and look down at my sleeping ray of sunshine. "How old is she now? She is just beautiful." She whispers leaning down so she can get a better look at Avlee.

"Thank you she's ten weeks."

"Do you like being a mother?" she asks cautiously and I remember telling her that i didn't want Avlee.

"I love being a mother. It gets hard and scary but Wolf is an amazing supporter."

"Wolf?" she asks confused turning her head to look at me.

Holding up my hand I wiggle my ring finger and beam "My husband."

"Oh my gosh." Layla gushes wide eyed coming over to take my hand. "You got married?"

"So much has happened since I stopped contacting you. I'm so sorry about that."

Layla shakes her head and says "Tim Horton's will solve it all. We need to get coffee soon and talk about all of this."

I nod quickly and state "Tim Horton's would be awesome. Let me give you my number." Layla pulls out her phone and then she types my number in as I call it off to her. After I introduce her to the A team she leaves with a smile and a pleasant goodbye.

"Well im glad that turned out like it did."

"Old friend?"

"Old best friend." I say with a chuckle "After the move and Avlee we lost touch." I say with a frown remembering all of the good times Layla and I had together. I can't believe that I forgot about her. I mean I would say she could have called me just as much as I could have called her but that would be a lie because I got a new phone new number.

"That's awesome that you saw her today then."

"I'd have to say its God." I say truthfully. God is blessing me with friends. I didn't know that I needed friends but hes blessing me with them left and right.

"You go to church?" Allison asks with an excited grin on her face.

"Wolf and I both do."

"Oh my oh my you both just get better and better as the minutes tick by." Aushaunti says with a grin and Allison says "We are Christian also. What church do you go to?"

The rest of the time we hang out we talk about God and his goodness and love. It's an awesome time with awesome ladies of God. I couldn't have asked for better girls to hang out with.


"I ran into Layla today." I say stirring the noodles in the pan.

"Oh?" Wolf asks from the island and I look up at him nodding. He raises a brow at me wanting to know more and I smile a small smile looking back at the noodles.

"She wants to get together and talk about what has happened since we lost touch."

Wolf grunts and I look up at him to see him not looking to pleased. "Whats the matter?" I ask cocking my head confused.

"She went with you that night." he states and I just stair at him wondering why he is brining this up. Its in the past our baby girl is here and we are fine.

"You're point?" I ask clipped not really wanting to talk about it.

"Where was she when he drugged you? Why didn't she stop him or go looking for you?" he asks me leaning closer to me over the island.

"She was with someone. She probably didn't notice I was gone." I say in defense for my best friend. "What are you trying to say Wolf?"

With a sigh Wolf runs his hands through his hair and says "I'm not saying anything Beautiful I just want to know where she was when all of this was happening to you. You drove together she would have had to notice your car still there that night."

Shaking my head I state "We didn't drive together. We drove separate. I didn't want to be stuck at the party if she was enjoying it so I drove myself."

"Your car would have still been there when she left. She should have known something was wrong. Weren't you supposed to go to the movies after?"

"Why are you interrogating me Wolf? I'm not her I don't know what she though."

Wolf stands and says "Maybe you should interrogate her before you start taking sides." before he leaves the kitchen with a scowl on his face.

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