Chapter 24:

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Chapter 24:

A week has came and gone since I have had Avlee and I must say it was a tiring week. Avlee is a screamer at night. She loves to be up and playing at night when everyone else is sleeping so you have to stay up with her and play or she screams.

I don't know what to do most times shes screaming because shes not hungry and she doesn't want held so she just screams. I wake up Avlon almost every night but she doesn't have a problem with it. I feel bad for doing it but im a wreck when she just screams for no reason it scares me and I think something is happening to her.

Last night though I called Wolf and asked him to come over and guess what? Right when he picked the little screamer up she stopped. She just shut up and went to sleep. It was amusing but also not because I don't live with Wolf and I cant always call him over here in the middle of the night when she wants him because he has school.

The week days that Wolf is at school and I have to stay at home I miss him but he makes sure that he is back right after school is over.

He loves Avlee with all that is in him and I have to say its amazing. He treats her like she is his own. I think God every day for him because I would not be where I am a today without him and neither would Avlee. I don't regret my baby but she would not have had as much love if Wolf wasn't in the picture.

A child needs two parents and I feared there for a while that my baby would only have one but when I met Avlon that eventful day everything changed. My life became so much better and I have God to think for everything that has happened to me.

What the devil meant for your bad God meant for your good and I will always remember that because it has came true for me and for Avlee.

My eyes open with a yawn when I start to come around. I look beside me and notice Avlee missing. Wide eyes I look over the side of the bed and sigh in relief when I don't see here there.

Getting up I run my hands through my hair and go to use the bathroom before I go downstairs.

A smile instantly lights my face when I see Wolf singing to Avlee in the recliner. "Hey." I whisper when I get downstairs.

Wolf smiles at me and stops singing "Hey beautiful. How did you sleep?" he asks worriedly and I sigh at his concern. Don't get me wrong I love the concern but I think he worries to much.

"It was needed. Where's Dallas and Avlon?"

Wolf frowns and says "Avlon lost her mucus plug earlier."

"What?" I shout in outrage mad that no one woke me up. "Why did you wake me?"

Wolf looks me over closely and states "You needed the sleep."

"No, Wolf I need to be with my mother." I state getting my phone off of the coffee table.

"Do you want me to take you to her?" he asks watching me closely. Sighing I shake my head and sit down on the couch. Wolf rises and comes to set beside me with Avlee. Our thighs touch he sits so close making me smile. "I'm sorry beautiful I just want to make sure you're okay."

Laying my head on his shoulder I say "It's fine Wolf I just worry about her and the baby's."

"Someone once told me that when you worry God isn't going to move in the situation."

Beaming I look up at him and stick my tongue out. "That's not fair."

Wolf shrugs and state "Life's not fare babe." I frown at him and he nudges me with his shoulder. "Call her."

Nodding I dial Avlon and wait for her to answer. "Hey baby how are you?" her sweet voice asks when she answers making me frown.

"Mom." I complain still upset that no one woke me up tot tell me what was going on. "Why didn't you wake me?"

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