Chapter 48:

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IMPORTANT:This chapter isn't to my liking but im updating it anyways because i said there would be an update tonight! I won't be promising updates for a while because of everything that is happening in my life right now. It's all in Gods hands though so i know all will slow down soon!




Chapter 48:

Finally -after I get myself back together- it was already time for Wolf to be home.

Walking through the door I see him lounging on the couch watching the game. "Hey beautiful." he greets hearing the door shut. He turns to look at us with a huge smile lighting up his face. When he catches a glimpse of my dirty tear streaked face and blood shot eyes he rises off of the couch quickly rushing over to me.

"What happened baby?! Who do I have to kill?" he asks making the tears come back to my eyes all over again. I set Avlee's seat on the ground and throw myself into his arms.

Wolf hushes me running his hands up and down my back trying to sooth me. I give a weak chuckle and sniffle stating "Trent showed up at Layla's."

"What?!" Wolf shouts in outrage pulling away to look at me. "What did he do?"

I wipe my eyes and run my hands through my hair tiredly "He wanted to see her."

Wolf balls his fists up by his side and goes to walk past me. I grab his bicep quickly trying to pull him to a stop but he keeps walking pulling me along. "Wolf stop, please." I beg not wanting him to do something he's going to regret.

Wolf turns and kisses my forehead lightly. I wrap my arms around his waist holding on tightly. "Please Wolf, just let it go."

Easily he removes my arms from around him and opens the front door walking out. I rush after him but stop at the top step of the porch watching him as he walks to the car. "I need you right now Wolf." I shout after him desperately.

Wolf looks up at me with his hand on the jeep handle "Please!" I practically beg wiping my cheeks.

That doesn't do any good though because more tears quickly take their place. "I just need you to hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay."

A frown washes over Wolfs face and he sighs making his way toward me.

Relieved i wrap my arms around his waist tightly when he gets to me. "I'm here Cupcake and i don't have to tell you its going to be okay because you already know it will be. Ill handle this."

"Thats what i don't want Wolf. You font nerd to handle this because your going to do something you'll regret."

"Knocking his teeth in is not something I'm going to regret." Wolf growls seriously.

I sigh into his chest holding tightly to the back of his shirt. "Just leave it alone."

"I'll leave it alone in this moment." He tells Me letting me know that later he is going to deal with the situation.

"Fine." I sigh knowing I'm not going to be able to talk him out of it. Wolf is a very territorial man. Mess with his family and its all bad.

I love that about him because i know that i will always be safe but right now i don't really like it.

If this weren't Trent he would handle it by the grace of God but since its Trent he wants to take it into his own hands.

Wolf guides us back into the house. I lay down on the couch and he gets in behind me putting his head in my neck. He wraps his arms around my waist and i interlock our fingers.

"I love you Cupcake."

"I love you Wolf." I mumble and then state seriously "I don't want you to do anything."

Wolf says nothing as he kisses my neck, he just lets silence pollute the air.

"I'm serious Wolf. If you fight with him your disappointing me, God and yourself."

Wolf sighs and says "Just let it go Braylee I'm doing what i have to , to protect you and our daughter."

Raising my voice a little i state "Protect us Wolf but protect us like a man not like some punk."

Shocked he asks "A punk?"

"That's what your acting like right now!" I hiss sitting up so i can look at him. He looks super shocked that i called him a punk but maybe it will open his eyes. "I married a man Wolf not a little boy. I married a man who fears God and asks himself what would Jesus do before he goes into a sticky situation. A man who loves me and cares what i think, cares about my needs before his own. I want that man right now Wolf. I want that man to hold me and tell me its okay. I don't want this!" I tell him seriously looking him in his eyes.

"Your angry right now and i understand. I love your protective side but i don't love this side. Violence is never the answer no matter the situation. I forgive Trent for everything he has done and so should you."

I do forgive Trent but that doesn't mean i have to be comfortable around him. I can forgive him and never have to see him again. Forgiving him isn't for his benefit though it is for mine.

If i don't forgive him how and why would God forgive me...

The answer is he won't. I have to forgive others to be forgiven by God.

Me forgiving Trent may not change him but it will most definitely change me!

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