Chapter 4:

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Chapter 4:

The next morning when I wake up I go to the bathroom and wash up my face. When im finished i go down stairs but its dead silent until I hear horrible singing coming from the kitchen.

I bust out laughing when I enter the kitchen and Dallas is dancing around as he cooks. Shocked he looks over his shoulder and asks “How much did you see?”

Shrugging with a grin I say “Only you smacking your rump.”

Dallas grins back at me and says “Cookin is borin if ya don’t have ah lil fun.”

“Very true.” I say nodding.

“Have a seat.” He says turning back to the stove. “Avlon will be back in a few hours.”

“Who’s Eva?” I ask remembering that she said she was going baby shopping with Eva. I wonder how she feels that everyone around her is pregnant and she cant get pregnant?

Dallas chuckles and says “She’s my Angels best friend. Very hyper and energetic.”

“How’d they meet?” I know im being nosy but I like these people and I want to know all that I can about them.

“Mark is Evangeline’s husband an also my best friend. He plows the fields around ere so they were bound ta meet.” He explains setting a plate of pancake, eggs and sausage infront of me.

He makes himself a plate also and sets down in the chair infront of me. He sticks his hands out for me and I look at him confused. With a small smile he says “We say grace.”

“Oh.” I mumble feeling stupid as I place my hands in his.

“Father God in the name of Jesus Braylee and I come to you lord asking that you forgive us for anything we have thought said or done. We say thank you lord for life health and strength and because of the love you have for us. We thank you for this food and we ask that you touch and bless our food making it nutritious to our bodies. In Jesus name Amen.”

I say Amen and start eating silently before I ask “Why do you pray before you eat?”

“God isn’t letting us go hungry so we should thank him that he has provided a meal for us.” Dallas explains and I nod taking that in.

“Have you always known God?” I ask interested because he seems like he has always known him.

“I have my parents knew him and taught me about him.”

“I never knew him until I met my best friend three years ag and I still don’t know what shes talking about when she  talks about him.”

Dallas nods and says “You should come to church with us sometimes.”

I nod and finish my food taking it to the sink. Starting the water I start filling up the sink. “Braylee?” Dallas asks in question and I look back at him. “You don’t have to do that.”

“You cooked the least I can do is clean a few dishes.”

“I’ve got it.” He says rising with his plate and I shake my head taking the plate from him.

“I’ll do it Mr. Dallas really it’s okay. I’m pregnant not disabled.”

Dallas chuckles at me and puts his hands up in surrender. “Would you like ta see the horses after?”


“Oh he’s cute.” I say pointing to the big black stallion in front of me. “What’s his name?” I ask Dallas not taking my eyes off of the horse.

“Midnight.” He state and I look back at him with a seriously face.

“Midnight?” I ask and he nods with a grin. “Who named him?”

“My niece Savannah.”

“How old is she?”

Dallas grins even wider and says “Eight but she names him when she was five.”

Nodding I look back at the horse and understand why he has such a sweet name when he should be names tank or something because he’s so big. “I wish I could ride.”

“When ya ain’t pregnant anymore I’ll teach ya.”

“Thank you.” I say to him because he is such a sweet man someone I wish I had as a father.

“Dallas!” someone calls and I turn to see Avlons father coming toward us with a smile. When he gets to us he gives me a smile and says “I’m Walter and you must be Braylee.”

“Your Avlon’s father?” I ask him curiously cocking my head because he looks nothing like her.

“Not her biological father but yes I am her father.” He explains when he sees my confusion and my eyes widen.

“So that lady is her mom?”

Walter chuckles and says “My wife is her mothers sister.”

I run my hands through my hair even more confused than I was before. Dallas and Walter laugh amused and say “Ask Avlon.”

Dallas shows me around the farm and its so pretty I must say I love the country way more than the city. It’s peaceful and so lovely and quiet i wanna stay here forever. When my back starts to hurt Dallas notices and he makes us go inside. Not two minutes later Avlon walks in with a nervous smile on her face. “Hey.” I smile at her noticing the bag tightly pressed to her chest.

“Did you eat anything this morning?” she asks worriedly and I smile at her nodding.

“Your husband make me breakfast.”

“Well if you get hungry again just go get something out of the kitchen. Eat whatever you want.” I thank her gratefully and watch her as she walks away and into the bathroom.

I’m five minutes into my show when I hear a scream making me jump a foot in the air.

Dallas being the devoted husband hangs the phone up without saying bye and rushes into the bathroom. When he takes her into his arms I look away because I feel im invading their privacy.

When Dallas hollers I look back and see the pregnancy test in his hand. Hes kissing her all over and I smile because God must have finally given them what they wanted.

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