Chapter 52:

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It's not edited... and it is short, sorry!

There probably will not be an epilogue because I honestly don't even know what I would write about!

God Bless you all and thank you so much for your support!


Chapter 52:

When Brian and I get back to the house Wolf is propped up on the couch with Avlee in his arms waiting for us. He gives me a serious look when i walk into the door and sit on the couch beside him.

My baby girl grugles at me and i smile widley taking her into my arms. I hold her to me closley leavign a kiss on her forehead and Wolf interupts asking "So how did it go?"

"It went well actually." I tell him truthfully loking over at him when i say the next part. "He wants to see her."

Wolf raises a challenging brow at me "What did you say?"

"I gave him some rules and regulations." i mumble bouncing my giggling baby on my knee.

Raising his brow higher "Go on."

Looking over at him i state "If he starts going to church and stops drinking i will let Avlee decide if she wants to see him when she gets older." Wolf frowns at that looking down at our baby girl. "You will always be her daddy Wolf. Nothing and no one is going to change that, you have taken care of her all of her life even when she was in the whomb." Grabbing his knee i give it a gentle squeeze and state seriously "You're her daddy Wolf, never question that."

"What if she hates me after she finds out?" He whispers brokenly taking Avlee into his arms when she reaches for him with a gummy smile.

"Baby." I mumble wrapping my arms around Wolf's waist. "You are her twin she looks up to you so much and that is never going to change."

Wolf smiles down at me softly and wraps his free arm around me. "I just don't ever want her to think bad of me."

"She never will." I tell him seriously leaving a gentle kiss on his temple.


"Alright dad you have to visit soon!" I tell Brian seriously wrapping my arms tightly around him the next morning.

"Tell me when your free and I'll bring the girls." he says seriously giving me a loving squeeze and a kiss on the forehead.

"I can't wait."I tell him excitedly pulling away so he can hug wolf and Avlee.

"Thanks for taking care of my little girl Wolf." Brian says serioulsy pulling him into a man hug.

"It is my blessing Brian." Wolf tells him juts as serious.

Chuckling Brian bends down picking Avlees giggling little body off of the floor. "Don't get any more beautiful baby girl or youll give grandpa a heart attack." he whines causing Wolf and I to laugh loudly.

"With a mother as beautiful as my cupcake we're going to spend the rest of our lives beating guys off of her with a metal bat." Wolf states seriously with a large frown.

Laughing I grab his hand into mine giving it a gentle squeeze. "We can just home school."

Looking down to me he states straight faced and totally serious. "I've seriously been considering that."

Amused I shake head and look back to my dad, depressed he has to go when he just got here.

"Alright baby girl I have to go but I love you, and I love you also Wolf." he informs before giving me one more hug and walking down the porch steps.

He gets into his car waving goodbye before he starts pulling down our drive.

With a sigh I lean up against Wolf in the door way stating "I hate we don't get to see each other much."

Running his hands over my arms in comfort he states "We can visit a lot more after I take over the company."

Frowning I look up to him with a yah right look. "Avlee and I will see less of you then Wolf."

"What?" he asks confused following me into the house.

Picking up some of Avlee's toys I state "Yes, you'll always be gone on business."

Following me over to the toy box he informs "I'll be going on trips baby yes but those won't be all of the time."

Shrugging I deposit the toys before picking up more. "Braylee." he calls. "Braylee will you please stop and talk to me?"

Rising I cross my arms over my chest and turn to look at him.

Wolf raises a brow at me waiting for me to talk. "I support you Wolf I really do." I start wanting him to know I am with him on what ever he does. "I just don't know what I will do when your always gone."

"Cupcake." Wolf complains with a sigh pulling me into his chest. "I won't always be gone and when I am it will only be a day or two."

"What about when it turns into weeks?" I ask laying my head on his chest.

Pulling my chin up to look at him he states "Then you and Doll will come with me. I can't be away from you for hours let alone weeks."

Beaming I give him a squeeze "I love you Husband."

Kissing my lips lightly he beams right back "I love you wife."

Wrapping my arms tightly around his waist I hugg him with all I have thanking the good Lord above for all of the blessings He has gifted me with.

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