Chapter 33:

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OhMyGlitter an update! Regular update will be back in play here soon after I get everything together from my trip!

God Bless Y'all and thank you for your patience! (:


Chapter 33:

Wolf stands quickly and catches the little girl in his arms when she launches herself at him. She wraps her arms around his neck tightly causing Wolf to fake Gag. "Your killin me Rissa."

Marissa giggles and pulls back a little to look at him. "You thilly Wolfy."

I smirk at her nickname for him. "Yah Wolfy your silly."

Wolf narrows his eyes at me over his shoulder and I stick my tongue out at him causing a chuckle. Marissa cocks her head studying me. "You why my Wolfy never thee me?" she asks with a pout and my eyes widen.

I shake my head quickly not wanting to be on the bad side of a four year old. She narrows her eyes at me before she turns them to Wolf asking "Why you not thee me?"

Wolf frowns and says "I was sad and I did some bad things."

Marissa also frowns as she cups his face with her little hands. "I thad to."

Wolf holds her tightly and whispers "I'm sorry Rissa. Will you ever forgive me."

Marissa is silent for a minute and then she looks over at me. "Daddy thaid you have a baby?" Wolf looks over to me and shrugs so I am guessing that means she forgives him.

"I do." I say pointing to Avlee in Ford's arms. Marissa's face falls and I instantly know that she's jealous. She struggles to get out of Wolf's arms and when he sets her down she walks over to her daddy with her arms crossed over her chest and her bottom lip poked out.

Ford watches her as she stands infront of him. "Why youth hold her daddy? I you baby girl."

Ford smiles lovingly at her and states "You will always be my baby girl princess but Avlee is Wolf's baby girl so she will be around a lot and we have to love her also."

Marissa's eyes widen largely and she pouts "I Wolfy's baby girl to."

Amused I just watch this little girl. She is the only girl and she was by her self three years before Ford and his wife decided to have another child so that explains her attitude.

"Now Marissa." A woman's voice says scolding. I look to the entrance and see a woman in her late twenty's standing there with a baby on her hip. "Please do not start this." she says and then she looks at me and smiles. "Marissa likes to be the center of attention and when she's not its all bad. It doesn't help that Ford lets her act this way."

Ford raises his free hand and says "Hey now, my girl just likes attention and i'm not going to deprive her from that."

Heather raises a brow and puts her hand on her hip. "Are you saying I deprive her of attention."

Ford's eyes widen largely and I look at Wolf to see him have an amused expression on his face. "No honey i'm not saying that at all....." Ford starts but he quickly shuts up knowing he is only going to dig himself in a bigger ditch.

"That's what I thought." Heather says setting the toddler on the floor. He is super cute with his black eyes and blond hair. He wobbles toward me beaming and I beam right back at him.

"You are so precious." I coo to him and he giggles cutely at me. When he gets to me he lifts his arms and I lift him into my lap.

"I'm Heather Ford's wife." She says sweetly "That little port chop is James and Marissa is the diva." I chuckle at her as she rolls her eyes playfully. "Would you like to help me cook? We can leave the kids with the men and have girl time."

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