Chapter 22:

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OhMyGlitter I've found a Coffee Shop!!



Chapter 22:

I wake up in the middle of the night to a cry. I jerk up and wince in pain when i pull at my stitches. Avlee ripped me a little when she came out. The doc said her little arm just punched out of me eagerly at the same time her head was coming out.

My baby girl Avlee Daniella Carter was six pounds even. I chose Avlee because Avlon does not have a middle name and it wouldn't have been cool to name my baby the same as her first. People would have gotten mixed up. Daniella is just a name that Wolf liked so we picked that one.

Wolf jerks up bring me back to reality. I smile when i see him sprawled out across the couch with her in his arms. His eyes go wide as he looks down at the screaming child. "She's hungry." i tell him with a small smile.

His head snaps over to me and he gives me a smile as he rises with her in his arms. "She just ate." he states as he puts her in my arms.

I look at the clock and shake my head "It's been two hours Wolf."

Wolf looks at the clock and his eyes widen. "Wow i must have fallen asleep."

I roll my eyes at him as i put Avlee up to my chest covering it with a baby blanket.

The bed shifts and i smile at Wolf when i see him watching me closely "How are you doing?"

"I should be asking you that beautiful." i give him a pointed look and he shrugs. "I'm in shock still i guess. She's here and as beautiful as ever."

I chuckle at him but then turn serious "Are you ready for what comes with having a baby?"

Wolf nods seriously and says "I'm ready. I want you and that little girl in my life and nothing is going to change my mind."

Smiling at him i ask "Not even a dirty diaper." Wolf's face is one of confusion before the stench hits him making his face turn into one of disgust. "Is it your turn daddy?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes holding his arms out for her.


"She is so cute!" Eva gushes holding Avlee in her arms.

I smile at her and say a thanks. "How are you linking being a momma?" Tiff ask me as she gushes over Eva's shoulder. Eva got here before anyone else and she has not let anyone hold her since she has been here. It's cute really but shes going to be upset in about thirty minutes when i have to feed Avlee.

"I love it." i may be tired but knowing my baby is here and healthy that makes up for all of the tiredness.

"Tired?" she asks me with a knowing smile and i nod at her. "It never gets better." she tells me and Wolf chuckles from the foot of the bed.

I give him a stank look and he state "Not just for you babe." i smile knowing that he still wants to stay after our hectic first night. We couldn't sleep because we were worried Avlee would suffocate or that she would need us and we wouldn't hear. It was just a mess.

"How are you doing today baby?" Avlon asks as her and Dallas enter the room. I from when i see Dallas pushing her in a wheelchair and she says "You know your father over protective as always." she says with a roll of here eyes.

Dallas grunts and i smile at him. "Give her." Avlon tells Eva making the other two women in the room scowl.

"No fair." May grumbles as Eva hands over Avlee with a scowl.

"We have been waiting an hour." Tiff complains.

Avlon sticks out her tung and coos down at baby Avlee. "I'm grandma and grandma's alwasy get dibs. Isn't that right?"

Amused i watch as she cuddles my baby. "How are you feeling?" Dallas asks me coming to kiss my forehead.

"I'm doing good Dad. How are you?"

Dallas chuckles and says "I'm great B. Wolf and i are going to leave you lady's to it."

Wolf stands and looks down at me "Do you want anything?"

"Some real food would be nice." Wolf chuckles and gives me a light kiss. "I love you."

"I love you to." i beam wrapping my arms around his neck for a short hug. Dallas and Wolf leave after that and i watch him go with a never wavering smile.

"He is already a great father." Eva says and everyone nods.

"I still think it's amazing he's taking care of another man's baby." May states and i frown at her.

"He's an amazing person and i wouldn't expect any less from him." Avlon says making my smile return. She loves Wolf like a son and any time anyone says anything about him she has something to gush about him right back. It lifts my spirits knowing that her and Dallas both like him.

"When i came in he was holding her so close." Eva says with a warm smile. Eva came in when we actually got ten minutes of sleep but we woke up when she snapped a picture and her flash brightened through the room.

"I want that picture." i tell her with a grin and she grins right back tryping away on her phone. My phone chirps and i smile at the picture making it my screen saver. "He had her almost all night." i say remembering when he took her into his arms after he changed her diaper for the first time, it was just so precious.

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