Chapter 39:

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Chapter 39:

"Happy Birthday to you Happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Braylee happy birthday to you." everyone sings and little Sarah shouts "You look like a monkey and you smell like one to."

Amused everyone chuckles and she beams at me. "Do you want ot make a wish with me?" i ask her curiously and she nods excitedly climbing onto my lap. "One, two, three." i count and we close our eyes blowing out the candles.

After Wolf and i had opened our and Avlee's presents Brian informed me that he wated to sing happy birthday. When i okayed it he ran from the room and came back with a cam corder so he could record it. I gave him a big smile happy that he wants to capture even a spec of my life on film. Never had Megan or Carl wanted to do that.

I didnt even get presents or a cake on my birthday it was just another day to them, but to me it was a nother year closer to getting out of the living hell.

Brian had gotten us amazing gifts. He got Avlee practically a whole new wordrobe for when she gets bigger so we dont have to fuss over gettign her new clothes. He got her quite a few toys also.

For Wolf he go him a few flannels and a nice expensive looking gold watch with diamonds.

I got a real diamond neckaless, ear ring and ring set. He said that a father was supposed to get his daughter their first diamond earrings when they are fourteen and their first diamond necklass when they are sixteen then the diamond ring comes when they are eighteen but he wanted to give it to me now because my seventeenth birthday is the first one he got to spend with me. He says this birthday will always be the most special to him.

I also got a few other nice things but the set was my favorite because it meant so much to him. He was so happy and excited when he gave it to me. I'll never forget the look of excitement on his face.

"What did you wish for?" i ask Sarah.

Sarah gives me a strange look and says "Yous wish wont come true if yous talk about it silly."

"Oh sorry." i say with a smile "I didnt know that."

"Yous mommy didnt tell you that?" she asks curiously and i shake my head with a small smile telling her no. "Why not?"

"We didnt celebrate birthdays there."

"Why not?" she asks again making me frown. I know shes at the curious age where she likes to know everythign but some things she just doesnt need to know yet. They arnt really happy memories and i dont want to sadden her by sharing.

"What kind of ice cream do you want Sarah?" Brian asks gettign her attention away from me. I give him a greatful smile and he nods lowly at me.

"Cookies and creams." she says excitedly getting off of my lap quickly to go to dad.

"Don't give her to much." Ashley says with a frown watching as Brian fills her bowl with ice cream.

Brian ignores her and fills her bowl with ice cream giving it to her with a loving smile. Sarah grins and takes her bowl to the table sitting down beside me. "That looks so good." I tell her and she grins up at me.

"Want a bite?" she asks holding up her spoon.

Shaking my head I say "You eat yours and ill get my own."

Sarah shrugs and digs into her ice cream. I look up to see Ashley looking at Brian with a disapproving look. "Do you want some Ken?"

"No she doesn't." Ashley says speaking for her. "She needs to stay under eighty pounds for cheerleading."

"Are you serious?" I ask not being able to hold my tongue any longer. "Look I'm sorry and I know that they are your kids but that's what they are kids. They should be able to enjoy sweets and not worry about their appearance, their not adults so they shouldn't be treated as so."

Ashley rolls her eyes at me and states "How I raise my children is nun of your business."

Calmly I state "If I didn't know them then it wouldn't be my business but their my sister and I know how it feels to have to grow up to quickly."

"Just because you were abused doesn't mean my kids are. They aren't going to turn out like you." she says icily.

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