Chapter 31:

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Chapter 31:

Wolf gets Avlee out of her seat and grabs my hand walking us into the fancy restaurant in the next town over. I look around impressed at how classy it is and at how expensive it looks. “This looks expensive.”

Wolf chuckles and state “It is love but it’s nothing we can’t afford.”

“Nothing you can’t afford.” I state and Wolf looks down at me frowning.

“Cupcake we are no longer two but one. What’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine, therefore nothing WE can’t afford.”

I nod and shut up after that because he’s telling the truth. I just have to come to terms with it. I have to realize that I am married now and that everything has changed. Wolf and I stop at the desk with the little man behind it that sits people. He smiles at us and asks “Do you have reservations?”

Biting the side of my mouth I say “Brian Porter?” more as a question than a statement.

The man looks at his fancy computer and smiles. “Ah yes Mr. Porter is already here. Right this way please.” We fallow him into the restaurant and I smile when I see my beaming father. He rises and gives me a warm comforting hug that I didn’t realize I was missing until I met Dallas.

Brian and Dallas's hugs are a lot a like so I know that Brian is the real deal. He gives Wolf a shake and then asks is he can hold Avlee. He brightens when he sees that she’s wide awake. “She has my eyes. I noticed you did also.” Brian beams as he takes a seat with the curious Avlee.

He holds her out away from him with one hand supporting her head and the other supporting her bum. He got comfortable with her about ten minutes after holding her the first time and now he’s a pro.

“I always wondered who my eyes come from.” I state sitting as Wolf pulls my chair out for me. I thank him and he kisses my forehead before taking the seat beside me.

Carl or Hannah do not have my eyes and that confused me but now I know why. “You also have his nose.” Wolf states and I grin because we do have the same noses.

“How are you two liking the married life?” Brian asks looking between us with a happy smile.

I blush and he chuckles at me amused when Wolf state “Braylee is a ball of nerves.”

I bump him with my shoulder and state “That was just yesterday. Women get nervous Wolf.”

“Woah woah.” Brian says holding up his hand that’s not holding Avlee’s head. “To much information for the father.”

I gasp and turn even redder than I already was. “No...... we didn’t…. No.”

Brian looks relieved and Wolf laughs loudly super amused. “So tell me about you. I want to know everything.” Brian says eagerly sitting up straighter.

"Good or bad?"

Brian's eyes harden a second before he states "Everything!"

"Well um Megan is a crack whore literally, when shes feanin she sells her body for her next hit. Carl the man that I thought was my father is an abusive drunk. He doesn't work and neither doe Megan. They yose me to get money from the courts and food stamps. Every day of my life I would go not knowing if I was going to live another day of if Megan was going to sell me so she could get her fix. Being abused made me a nerd. School was my get away place the place where I didn't have to worry about getting abused. No one noticed me at school I was just the nerd that got ignored. I'm in tenth grade but I am taking all senior classes so I am at the top of my class. I'm going to see if the school has a program to where I can graduate early. Now that I have Avlee and Wolf I don't want to be without them all day."

Brian nods and says "If your school does not have that program we can work it out. Do you have all the credits you need?"

I nod and state "By the end of this year I will have all of my credits."

Brian smiles proudly at me and states "I'll work it out. Now tell me do you play any sports, or are you an artist."

"Sports were a no no because sometimes I would go to school with broken bones or sore muscles and I couldn't afford to be an artist they need to many expensive things."

Brians eyes turn to chocolate pools of lava because of his anger. "I am so sorry sweet heart I should have been there for you."

I give him a soft encouraging smile and state "You're here now.... So tell me how you stumbled along Megan."

Brian chuckles and says "Megan and I met in college. We were freshman and we started hooking up as friends with benefits. We weren't exclusive and I made that clear but she started getting really clingy so I had to break it off. She started stalking me and sending me hate filled messages so I had to switch colleges and I never herd from her again."

"Wow." I state amused because that sounds like something she would do. She is really clingy with Carl. "She must have dropped out of college after that. I hadn't even known she went to college."

Brian frowns and sate "I cant help but feel I am responsible."

Snorting I state "She is the one responsible. Y'all might have done what married couples do but like you said you made it known it wasn't exclusive. She's responsible for ruining it and dropping out of school." Brian nods slowly and I smile "So tell me about you."

"My father was a lawyer and he wanted me to fill his shoes. Me not wanting to disappoint him I of course obliged and did as he told. My mother died when I was twelve from cancer so I practically raised myself because my father was always working or fornicating with younger lady's. After I graduated college I opened my own firm and I have actually got to like being a lawyer. I enjoy helping people that are accused of doing things they did not do. I have been married going on ten years now and I have three daughters. Braylee is sixteen." he says with a smile making my heart swell. "Kendra is 9 and Sara is six. Sarah just started kindergarten and Kendra is in third grade." he smiles a genuine smile when he talks about them and it kinda saddens me to know that he could also have talked about me like that.

Smiling through my hurt I say "I would love to meet them." and I really would because they are my sisters.

"They wanted to come." he says with a chuckle. "The girls were really excited to know that they had an older sister. When I called them last night they were even more excited that they have a niece and also a brother."

Wolf chuckles and squeezes my knee in encouragement. "What are you doing Christmas?" he asks hopefully.

"We are going to Ohio for a week to be with Wolf's brother and his family." Brians face falls and I quickly say "I am sure we could stop by your place for a few days before we had to come back."

Hope once again lights up his eyes and he state "I would love if you could do that but if it is to much I understand."

I look over at Wolf and hes smiling softly down at me. "That wouldn't be a problem at all Sir, I will just have to let you know everything when I figure it out."

Brian beams at Wolf and the rest of lunch we all just enjoy ourselves getting to know one another.

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