Chapter 16:

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Chapter 16:

"Can I tell him to go back home?" I plead when the door bell rings. Avlon chuckles amused and starts toward the door. "Wait!" I practically yell breathing deeply a few times before I nod and tell her she can answer it.

I smile at Wolf and he gives me a small one in return before he looks back at Avlon when she says excitedly "I have wanted one of those!"

Confused I look over Wolf wondering what shes talking about and Wolf does the same "A leather Jacket?"

"That's what its called?" she asks excitedly and I groan her name because she would be the one to embarrass me.

"Wolf this is my mom Avlon." I introduce causing Avlon to beam at me.

"It is very nice to meet you." Wolf says respectably.

Avlon looks impressed and she says "You also I have heard so much about you." she gushes embarrassing me more. When I see Wolf raise his brow with a smirk I nudge her and look down with heated cheeks. "Sorry." she whispers a little to loudly.

I walk into the house and Avlon and Wolf follow. When I see Dallas sitting on the couch with his eyes narrowed I swear I groan. "Dallas this is Wolf. Wolf this is my daddy Dallas."

Dallas's face softens when I say daddy and then it instantly goes back serious.

Avlon giggles and then trys covering it up with a cough when I shoot her a dirty look. "Nice to meet you sir." Wolf says sticking his hand out for Dallas to shake. Dallas gives it a firm shake and when he just stairs at Wolf I say "Well dinner is on the table."

Dallas and Avlon ask Wolf questions all through dinner making me uncomfortable as they grill him. When Wolf says that he wants to take care of me and my baby I know that was when he won them over. Dallas may act like he doesnt like him but I know he does and well Avlon she already told me that she does.

Dallas serves the food and I shake my head amused when Wolf sets some lasagna on my plate. As we eat its really silent until I gasp when I feel a pain in my stomach. I'm shocked as I look down at my stomach wide eyed,

"What is it?" Wolf asks worriedly placing his hands on my shoulders.

Looking up at him I beam and state "Skittles just kicked." She hadn't kicked and usually baby's kick at five months. I thought something was wrong with her but now I know shes okay. I feel her kick again and beam brighter. "She just did it again. Do you want to feel?" I ask wolf and he nods eagerly.

I take his hand and place it on my right side close to my belly button. It takes a few seconds and then she kicks his hand. Wolf smiles ecstatic and says "I felt her."

I chuckle at his excitement and skittles kicks again when he talks. "I think she likes your voice."

Wolf rubs his hands on my belly and smiles down at me. "Will you be my girlfriend Braylee. I love you I know you don't love me yet but im hoping you will grow to love me because I want to be the father to your baby and I want to take care of you forever."

"Aww Wolf." I say pulling him into a hug. "I would love to be your girlfriend." Wolf chuckles and we pull back from each other. "Now that means you have to bring me McDonalds in the middle of the night."

Amused Wolf says "Just give me a call and I'll be here as fast as I can."


"Will you go to church with me Sunday?" I ask Wolf after dinner as we sit on the couch.

Wolf look sat me a long second before asking "Would that make you happy?"

I frown and state "It would only make me happy if you want to go."

"I blame him." Wolf states and I raise a brow turning to him to have him continue. "He took my parents away from me that night."

I frown and shake my head "No Wolf he didn't take them from you, it was their time Wolf you just have to realize that. What the devil means for your bad God means for your good. I can talk and talk all I want but that's not going to help you realize it. What you have to do is realize it yourself and let God show you the way."

"Are you saved?" he asks me with a brow raised and I chuckle shaking my head. "Then how do you know so much?"

Shrugging I say "My mom and dad have taught me a lot since I've been here."

"Do you ever plan on getting saved?" he asks me and I nod at him seriously.

"I do because I know that God can relieve me from the pain on all I have been through I know that he can bring to light everything bad that has happened to me. Do you ever plan on it?"

Wolf frowns and looks me over a few minutes before he shrugs. "I'll go to church with you."


This is just super short so I figured I would post it today. If u read Conceived by two its probably boring because it was mostly diner lol

GodBless LoveYouAll


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