Chapter 45:

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Chapter 45:

Hands running through my hair the next morning have my eyes opening slowly.

A smile instantly lights my face when my eyes meet Wolfs tattooed chest.

"How are you feeling?" Wolf asks worriedly when i move my head on his chest to look up at him.

His forehead is creased with worry and he has a frown on his face. "I'm fine baby."

"Your not sore?" He asks in disbelief stopping his hand. I shake my head and he purses his lips at me. "Move and then tell me how you feel!" He demands softly.

I sit up and wince just slightly from the pain. Its not a grave deal of pain but its just a little.

I think having Avlee and being raped helped me not to hurt so much. "It's not bad." I state seriously when Wolf grunts not to pleased.

All night I felt safe and loved as I shared the special moment with my husband! (That is all I am going to put!)

Holding the sheet to my chest i stand and blush down at my beautiful husband. "Im gonna go take a shower, we have to get Avlee soon!"

"Mind if i join?" Wolf asks with a chuckle when the blush on my cheeks get darker. "Nun of that beautiful. I just want to help you wash up." 


Right when i open the door to my momma and daddy's house I rush into the living room and beam when i see my daddy rocking Avlee as he watches television!

"Hey daddy." I greet going him a quick hug before i take Avlee out of his arms crushing her to my chest. "How was she last night?" I ask worriedly because that is the first time she went a whole night without Wolf and I.

"She woke up a few times but besides that she was fine." Daddy says muting the televison so we can talk.

I smile and go sit down on the couch proud that my baby girl was okay without Wolf and I. She's comfortable with Dallas and Avlon so i was hoping that she would be okay. Wolf comes over and takes a seat beside me beaming down at Avlee as she looks him over.

Handing her to him i look back to daddy and see him watching us closley. I blush a little under his gaze and he narrows his eyes slightly. "How's mom?" i ask quickly wanting to get hi smind off of what ever he is thinking.

"She's ah doin good, wantin to get out of bed." he mumbles with pursed lips.

Smiling i state "I wouldn't want to be in bed either." She is on complete bed rest since she lost her mucus plug. The doctor said that the baby's wouldn't make it to seven months but its been seven months and a week so I know that God is at work. "I'm gonna go see her." I rise leaving the room quickly.

I knock on the door lightly and then enter. Momma looks over at my entrance and smiles big when she sees me. She opens her arms for me and I rush over to her loving the warmness of her hug. "How was last night?" she asks when I lay down beside her.

Blushing I state "Loving." Momma laughs and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

"You have come so far baby girl." she says chocking back on her tears.

"I wouldn't be here if it weren't for God bringing me you." It's true if she weren't at the baby Dr that day I would have never met her or daddy nor Wolf because im sure I would be somewhere on the streets with my baby, if Carl didn't kill us both.

"I am so happy that he placed you in my life." Avlon says bringing me into her side. I lay my head on her shoulder and smile at her mountain of a tummy.

"How are they?" I ask her placing my hand on her bump.

Chuckling she states "They move a lot more now and I don't understand why. You think having less room you wouldn't want to move." I chuckle with her because that's true. They wouldn't move when they were little but they are moving now.

"So how is being back at school?"

"I made some friends." I say excitedly.

"Tell me about them." she says just as excited as me. "You deserve to have friends baby."

Avlon and I just sit there for hours talking about Ashaunti and Allison and then I tell her about Layla. She's totally shocked about her and feels for her being a mother at eighteen with no husband. Gently Avlon asks "Do you want to throw her a baby shower?"

I sit up and look at her seriously "I think that would help her out so much."

Avlon nods and gives me a small sad smile. "Ask her what she thinks about that baby and then we will start planning right away. How far is she?"

"She's only about two months."

Avlon beams at that and says "Oh great so i'll get to come."

Laughing I rise from the bed and give her a hug telling her I will see her tomorrow. Wolf gives me a loving smile when I walk down the stairs and I purs my lips at him rolling my eyes. He chuckles aloud and comes to a rise. "How about we go get some lunch."

"Yes I am so starved." I groan holding my tummy.

Now Wolf rolls his eyes playfully and starts putting Avlee in her seat. "Do you want us to bring you anything daddy?"

Smiling Dallas stands and gives me a hug before he state "I'm orderin pizza, ya momma is wantin some."

"Okay daddy I love you." I tell him giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I love ya B. Drive safe boy." he instructs Wolf as we leave the house.

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