Chapter 20:

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So i am going on vacation for a few weeks for my best friends wedding and then to Tennessee so I do not know when i will be able to update. I figure i would give y'all one more update tonight and then tomorrow i will try to be by a computer so I can update again but after that I do not know when i will be able o update until i come back.

It'll only be a few weeks but I'm sad that y'all will have to wait that long because you are all such AMAZING fans.

If I have to I will try and use my phone to give y'all an update once in a while.

GodBless You are all super wonderful!


Chapter 20:

"Braylee Carter." The nurse calls out making Wolf squeeze my hand in his excitement. When I told him last week that this was my last appointment he was so excited that I was having another and that he was actually going to go.

He said that he wants a picture of the ultrasound so he can show it off to all of the people at work before he puts it on his desk. It makes me happy that he is so excited for her to be here. He's not her biological father but I know that he will treat her as his own.

Wolf and I rise and go into the room. She smiles at Wolf and asks "Are you the father?"

"I am." Wolf says proudly as I get up onto the table.

The nurse smiles and says "Miss. Carter never mentioned a father."

Wolf chuckles and says "I'm not her father by blood but I am her father by love."

The nurse gives both of us a warm smile and states "With that attitude you will be a great father."

I smile at her and Wolf grins like he just won the lottery making my heart beat faster. "The doctor will be in shortly."

Wolf stands beside me and takes my hand in his. "You okay?" I ask when my hand instantly gets wet with sweat.

Wolf looks down at me with a nervous smile. "I'm just excited to see her."

Giggling I state "You've seen pictures before Wolf."

Wolfs shakes his head quickly and state "This is more real. I'm actually going to hear her heart beat and see her move. If she decides to move." he says with a frown making me smile at him.

"Just rowdy her up." I tell him and he chuckles at me. When ever Wolf wants to feel her move her runs his hands all along my stomach while he sings to her and that always wakes her up. She loves him already and she hasn't even met him yet.

Two knocks come at the door and then it opens to the doctor "Braylee." she says with a smile and then her smile turns into one of question when she see's Wolf. "Who might this young man be?" she asks politely because she knows what happened to me.

"This is my boyfriend Wolf." I introduce at the same time Wolf says "I'm the father."

The doc chuckles and says "It's good Braylee found someone like you. Situations like hers its not always easy to find another guy."

Wolf squeezes my hand and says "I didn't really give her a choice."

I shake my head amused because its true. He knew what he wanted and he went after it without giving up. "So are we ready to see her?" she asks us and Wolf nods quickly.

She puts some jelly on my stomach and then sticks the machine wand thing on my stomach soothing it around. When Skittles heart beat fills the room Wolf holds tightly to my hand startling me. I look up at him to see his eyes trained on the screen. Their a little glossy as he watches baby skittles in my stomach.

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