Chapter 14:

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Chapter 14:

"So tell me about this boy." Avlon says with amusement in her voice.

Blushing I look up from baby Toby. "You cant avoid it forever Bray. I'm going to want to meet this boy and Dallas is also." she states and I blush deeper because she told Dallas about this.

"You told him?" I ask in outrage because what is he going to think when he meets him. Fathers are supposed to be very protective and from what I have seen Dallas is a very protective man.

"I tell my husband everything. He just wants to know who the lucky fella is." she says with an amused chuckle making me frown.

"Avlon." I complain not wanting to tell her about him it's embarrassing but hse just purses her lips watching me until I sigh. "Fine his name is Wolf."

Avlon wiggles her eyebrows making me face palm myself. "Wolf. What is Wolf like?"

I tell her what he's like and shes not to pleased to find out that he fights people but shes happy that he sticks up for me. "When can I meet him?" she asks.

Beaming at her I state "He wants to come to the next ultrasound." It warms my hear that he still wants to be in mine and skittles life after he found out what happened to me. "Really?" she asks shocked and I nod my head slowly wondering if that's okay with her. I know that its kind of our thing but I really like Wolf.

"Are you dating?" she asks with narrowed eyes and my eyes widen as I shake my head quickly.

"What? No, Why would you say that?" I shout making baby Toby jump in shock. Brining the frightened baby to my chest I coo at him that Im sorry and that he will be alright.

"Why would he want to come to your next appointment then?" she asks I and shrug mumbling that I don't know but boy do I know. "He likes you." she says and I blush making her rise her brow. "So he does?"

"He might have told me." I mumble blushing deeper as I remember the times that he told me that I was his.

Shocked Avlon gasps my name. "I know. I know." I say quickly before she can get mad at me. "It's just I like him and I didn't know what you and Dallas would say." What they think means so much to me, so of course I would be worried about what they think about a boy.

"You're grown Braylee." Avlon informs me and I raise a brow at her because im only sixteen. I mean im haing a baby so that makes me a mother but I thought that you had to be eighteen to be grown. "You can make decisions of your own. Your going to have to start making them really soon when you push little skittles out. We just want to meet the boy."

"Fine, ill ask him to come to dinner Wednesday." I say with a sigh and Avlon beams at me.

I play with baby Toby another hour before my back starts to ach having me head home. Avlon stays because I guess the week that Toby has been hard on Zoe and this is the first time she is actually getting some real sleep.

When I get home I take a deep breath and call Wolf. He answers on the second ring and I can hear the smile in his voice when he says "My beautiful girl what can I do for you?"

Rolling my eyes I state "Come to my house Wednesday for dinner."

The lines silent for a minute and I wince thinking hes going to say no. "You want me to meet the rents?"

I shrug and then mentally slap myself because he cant see me. "They want to meet the boy that im always with."

"What time?" he asks not giving it a second though and that shocks me because Wolf is supposed to be a bad boy they don't usually meet the parents and if they do the parents don't usually like them.

"Seriously?" I ask him and he grunts. "Five."

"I'll be there Cupcake. Do I bring something or....?"

Chuckling I state "Just yourself but I want to warn you my dad is very protective."

"He's only been your dad about two months." Wolf states confused and I grin.

"Dallas and Avlon have had two miscarriages and they have always wanted a baby so when I came they took me in and seen me as theirs even before Carl and Megan signed the papers." I explain to him.

"So what do they think about you being pregnant?" he asks interested.

"They were fine with it and then when Avlon found out she was pregnant they were even more excited."

"Your moms pregnant?" he asks quickly "How old is she?"

"She's twenty and she's about four months now."

"Your dad?" he asks wanting to know more and it makes me happy because no one has ever wanted to know me besides for the amazing people downstairs.

"Dallas is twenty eight."

"Wow." Wolf says amazed "How did they meet?"

I frown because I don't know if I should tell him this it really isn't my story. "Dallas saved her. Maybe she'll tell you about it some time." I say so that he will get the hint that I don't really feel comfortable telling him her story.

"Wanna catch a movie after school Tuesday?" Wolf asks getting the hint.

"I don't know." I tease him "I'm pregnant and the movies have lots of goodies."

Wolf chuckles and says "I've got tuns of money babe. I'll buy you a candy store."

Snorting amused I say "It's a date. I'm tired though so im going to get off of her."

"Sweet dreams Beautiful." Wolf says and I smile telling him the same.

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