Chapter 7:

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Chapter 7:

Right when we got home I went straight to my room and lay down. I was drained being told all of those things drains a girl and then being pregnant on top of all of that.

I curl up into a fetal position and close my eyes trying to go to sleep but it doesn’t work. I knew that my father never loved me. I knew that he didn’t want me there at the apartment but I always had a little hope that somewhere in his heart he loved me or even liked e just a speak but today I learned that he doenst like me at all. He could care less if I died and that’s very heart breaking to me. I just wanted him to love me. I just wanted mom to love me but the only reason she kept me there was so she could use my money to get drugs

About two hours after we get home a knock sounds on my door and then it opens. My eyes snap open when my bed shifts.

Avlon is laying there beside me looking up at the ceiling. I watch her until her eyes turn my way. “Hey.” She says in her soft loving voice. “Wanna talk about it.”

I shake my head quickly and wipe my nose and eyes “Wanna go shopping? We need to paint your room and get you some stuff to decorate.”

Surprised I ask “Your gonna let me decorate?” At the apartment I was not aloud to paint or hang anything on my wall I wasn’t aloud to have anything in my room besides for clothes and my bed because my parents said it wasn’t my home so they didn’t want me making it feel that way.

Avlon nods with a smile and says “We cant let you have an ugly room now can we?”

I just stair at her not knowing what to say. I have known this woman a week and a half and she is already so amazing to me. Avlon sighs and wipes some hair out of my face and behind my ear. “Go get a shower and when your finished I’ll come brush your hair.”

“Brush my hair?” I ask confused why would she brush my hair.

The one thing I remember about my momma was when she brushed my hair. It let me know she loved me and that she cared. I want you to know I love you Braylee and I care about you. I may be all young and stuff but I know how you feel to be rejected. I was also rejected but your my family now and im going to show you what love is all about.” She vows seriously and the waterworks burst out. I wrap my arms around Avlona nd she holds me tightly while I cry on her.

“I love you to Avlon.” I mumble because I do love this woman she is the mother I always wanted but never got until that day in the doctors office.

“Take a shower and ill be back.” Avlon says rising and leaving the room.

I rise also and get one of her many dresses she gave me. Going across the hall I start a warm shower and just stand in the water five minutes before I start washing up. When I get back to my room -I like the sound of that. My room- Avlon is sitting on the bed with a brush in hand and a smile on her face. “Come sit.” She says scooting back so I can sit on the bed. She gets onto her knees and starts brushing my hair.

I sigh and close my eyes because this is what I needed to be able to get to sleep. “They signed the papers.” She tells me gently and I grunt already knowing that they would. “How do you fell about that?” she asks me taking the brush through my hair softly.

“I knew it was coming and I think im all out of tears.”

Avlon gives me an encouraging squeeze as she starts braiding my hair. “You can never be out of tears.”

“Can you tell me about you?” I ask her just wanting to know what Dallas and Walter were talking about.

Avlon sighs and says “I don’t even know the whole story so you’ll have to bare with me.” I nod telling her to continue and she puts the tie in my braid before coming to sit beside me. “My mother ran away with my father when she was sixteen. Everything was wonderful until she got pregnant with me. My father turned n her when I was born and threw us into the basement only feeding us old and stale bread. Sometimes the bread had mold on it other times it was only a crumb but we fought through. My mother would feed em before she fed herself. The man that was my father left us alone until my fourth birthday. My momma wouldn’t let him take me so he beat her until he got me. He’d take me every year on my birthday and then bring me back beaten and bloody.”

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