Chapter 49:

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OhMyGlitter i'm updating. My aunt passed so I may not be on for a nother while.




Chapter 49:

Trent's name wasn't spoken or brought up for two weeks after the incident.

Wolf didn't go and try to find him so I stopped bugging him about it. After I called him a punk I think he understood what I meant by my whole rant. Some times it takes a girl to never shut up and then their hard headed man listens.

"Do you want to go to the mall Cupcake?" Wolf asks in a shout out of the bathroom door.

"Avlee needs a bath first." I tell him seriously smelling the stench coming from her bottom. Grabbing some diaper wipes I go back over to her and let her finish using the bathroom. After shes finished I clean her up and let her just lay there naked. Some times its good for babies to air so I let her do this every morning before her bath. She likes being naked, she pees sometimes but it's nothing the washer can't handle.

"Her's likes being naked, don't you?" I coo, Avlee giggles reaching for my face as I lean over her.

The bathroom door opens and Wolf steps out with a towel around his waist. "Where are your clothes?" I ask in a fake screech covering my eyes.

Wolf grunts stating "You've seen it all before."

"I know that's right." I say with a chuckle uncovering my eyes. Wolf comes over to us and gives me a kiss on the forehead before he starts blowing raspberries on Avlee's belly making her giggle in delight.

"I'm gonna give her a bath and then jump in can you dress her?" I ask coming to a stand.

Wolf stands up and nods walking to the closet "When ever your ready."

Picking Avlee up I go into the bathroom and start her water. I test it making sure its a good temperature and then set her in. She splashes around for a while loving the water like she always has.

After I wash her up I hand her off to Wolf and go back into the bathroom getting a quick shower myself. When I walk back into the room I hear a wolf whistle "Woah sexy momma."

I roll my eyes with a slight blush and go into the closet to get dressed. I slip on some skinnie jeans and a black sweater that says "God first Bro" in white letters.

Going back into the room I slip on some socks and chucks and then throw my hair into a messie bun. "Ready?" I ask looking over to Wolf. "Seriously?" I ask not at all amused with what Avlee is wearing. She has on floral printed pants and a black and white striped shirt. "Wolf she doesn't match at all." I complain rising to get her another shirt.

I go into her room and get black leggings and come back changing her quickly. Wolf has a frown on his face as he states "I thought she looked good."

Snorting I pick Avlee up and slip her coat on her before we go downstairs. "She didn't match Wolf."

"That's how she's gonna look In high school." he states seriously as I strap her into her seat.

Snorting I state "She's not going to go for that and neither will I."

"She'll do it because I want her to." he says confidently and I look at him over my shoulder.

"You seriously think that?" he nods and I shake my head lifting the car seat. "Did you listen to what your daddy or momma said in high school?"

"This is different she's a girl." Wolf states locking the door behind us.

I laugh loudly and state "It's going to be worse because she is a girl, their more hormonal."

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