Chapter 36:

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This will probably be the last update for this week because my birthday is Thursday and I am going to my papaw's tomorrow to celebrate! Every day I have something to do so I wont have time to post!


God Bless


Chapter 36:

Beating on the door has me jump up in shock. "I wanna open my presents." Ford whines and I shake my head amused wiping the sleep from my eyes.

"Go back to sleep Ford." Wolf yells back at him, voice husky with sleep.

"NO!" Ford shouts childishly and the banging continues.

Wolf groans and opens his eyes to look at me. I smirk at him amused from his chest. "Wake up my daughter Ford and I'm gonna massacre you!" Wolf yells seriously and I chuckle when the banging stops.

Avlee is a hard sleeper once she is asleep you can barley get the girl to wake up. The first time she did that I was freaking out but she was still breathing and her eyes were moving with her dream behind her closed lids so I calmed down a little but it's scary. Especially for me being a first time mother.

"Get up Wolfy I wanna open my presents." Ford whines still outside of our door.

"Fine Ford we're getting up." Wolf grumbles and I sit up so he can also rise. Rolling his eyes Wolf states "Children."

I chuckle amused at the two and pull on my pajama bottoms before I grab Avlee out of the crib. I started sleeping without my pants on the night that I confessed to Wolf. To say he was happy that I took them off was an understatement he stated and I quote 'Soon we wont be sleeping with anything on' un quote.

I blushed deeply about that and smacked his arm in my embarrassment.

Wolf throws on some basketball shorts and a shirt running his hands through his hair tiredly. "We can go back to sleep after we open our presents baby." I tell him amused.

Wolf snorts and places his hand on the small of my back as we leave the room. "Yah right Cupcake, Ford is a child and children want to play after they open their presents."

"What's all the talk about play?" Ford asks when we enter the living room.

I look around impressed at all of the colorful lights and the huge tree that is taking up basically half of the living room. "When did this happen?"

"Santa brings the decorations when he brings the toys." Heather explains to me with a go with it look. "Marissa do you want to go first?" She asks the little girl pointing to a humongous pile of presents. "Those are yours." Marissa squeals as she looks at all the presents with her name on them.

She digs into her presents ripping the wrapping off quickly as her mother and father take pictures. She gushes over everything she gets but when she gets to the last present her face falls. "Where ith it?" she demands her mother looking all around the room. "Whereth my bike!" she demands stomping her foot.

I raise a brow at the little girl and look at Wolf to see him watching her amused. "I think Santa forgot." Wolf states and she turns her self to look at him. She looks him over eyes narrowed making my eyes widen.

Never in my life have I seen a child act like this. Avlee better not act like this because I believe In time out and spankings.

I jump in shock and hold Avlee to my chest tightly when Marissa opens up her mouth and lets out the loudest ear piercing scream I have ever heard. "Marissa!" Heather shouts at her daughter "Stop that." but she keeps going.

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