Chapter 43:

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Lust- Inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body!

Chapter 43:

"Do you want to come?" I ask softly sitting beside him on the couch.

Wolf looks over at me watching me closely. Sighing he engulfs my hand in his huge one and places them on my lap. Shaking his head he says "I'm going to take Doll to your parents for a few hours."

Laying my head on his arm I ask "Are you mad at me?"

Wolf scoffs and pulls me onto his lap making me look at him. "I could never be mad at you Cupcake. I just want you to think about all of this and her answers before you get to close. She's your best friend so anything she says you will believe. Christians can be liars beautiful." he says seriously and I nod my head because I know a lot of people are acting as if they are doing God's work when really it is all a front.

"I'll be careful."

Kissing my forehead softly he mumbles "I know you will."

I give him a small reassuring smile and give him a soft kiss. "I love you."

"I love you Cupcake and ill see you in a few hours. Call me if you need anything."

Getting off of his lap I reassure him that I will call him if I need him. Before I leave I give my little monster a kiss and then get into my car driving to Tim Horton's.

Laya smiles at me with a wave when I walk into the Café. I smile back and go to the register ordering a large triple, triple French vanilla ice coffee before I go and sit down at the table with her. "How are you doing today?" I ask her with a smile.

"I am doing awesome. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great." I say with a chuckle. "Wolf and Avlee are going over to my parents while we catch up."

Layla's eyes widen in total surprise and she asks shocked "They allowed you to stay?"

I chuckle dryly and state "I was actually adopted by amazing God fearing people. When we cut off all contact I was five months pregnant and they took me in. They bought me anything I could have ever wanted along with a new cell phone. I guess I was so caught up in everything I forgot about you."

Layla shakes her head quickly and says "I would have forgotten about you if the roles were reversed Braylee. You deserve everything that you have. Your husband your baby your new parents I am so happy that God blessed you with all of this."

"As am I. God is so amazing and I wish I would have realized that sooner but I am realizing it now."

"So your fully in church now?" she asks with a sad smile.

Smiling widely I state "I am fully in church now. Wolf and I are saved and doing as the Lord asks."

"I am so happy for you." she says softly. You can tell she's really happy for me but something else is eating at her.

"Can I as you something?" She nods her head quickly and I sigh getting down to business. "Why didn't you come find me that night?"

"I tried." she tells me seriously. "Dillon told me that you would be okay. He said that Trent was a gentleman." I snort at that and she gives me a guilty look. "I should have came looking for you but I didn't. I was to caught up in the attention Dillion was giving me."

"Why didn't you look for me before you left the party? You would have seen my car when you were leaving."

Layla shakes her head quickly tears filling her eyes. One breaks through when she states "I didn't leave until eight the next morning."

Shocked my eyes widen because Layla doesn't believe in staying in the same house with males that are not related to her. "Why not?"

The dam brakes releasing all of her tears and she mumbles "I slept with Dillon."

Flabbergast I gasp and place my hand over my mouth. "You slept with him?"

She nods and admits "I have been every day since then, we live together."

"Oh." I mumble running my hands through my hair. "Do you still talk to God?"

Ashamed she puts her head down and whispers "No." pained. "I let him down I back slid and I'm ashamed. I don't want him to forgive me because I don't know if I can forgive myself. I know God's rules, his simple rules and I defied them I treated him wrongly and I am so ashamed, so disgusted with myself but I continue to defy him every day." Layla is eighteen and so is Dillion so it only makes since that they would live together. Her parents are really strict on rules and probably didn't agree with her dating Dillion so they thought living together would solve it all.

"God knows that we are not perfect that is why he sent Jesus to die on the cross for us. You've made mistakes Lay everyone has but once you ask God for forgiveness he forgets. You cant ask him for forgiveness though and not forgive yourself. Forgive yourself Lay because God loves you and he wants you back."

"I'm pregnant Braylee and I don't want to forgive myself for that." she says looking into my eyes. "I don't know what to do."

When I see the pain in her eyes the tears in mine spill over. My heart twists in agony for the lost soul in front of me. "I'm going to pray for you Laya but you also have to pray for yourself. You told me once before that Avlee is a blessing and I am going to tell you the same. God is blessing you with this baby for a reason. Weather it open you and Dillion's eyes or not. Your baby is going to make you so much stronger."

"Dillion doesn't believe in God." Layla tells me wiping the wetness from her cheeks.

Frowning sadly I state "But you do. Sometimes we have to save ourselves before we can save others. Be an example to him Layla get your light back and have it shine bright so he can see. Save yourself Layla, that may seem selfish but save yourself."

Layla nods slowly in understanding "Can I go to church with you? I feel that everyone will judge me at my parents church."

"I would love for you to come to church with me but remember their judgment means nothing." I tell her with a small smile still in disbelief. I never knew that my best friend that spoke and spoke about God's grace, mercy and love would be infront of me right now confessing to me one of the seven deadly sins, one of her sins.

She was the perfect Christian someone that I always looked up to. I thought she had an amazing life and an amazing feature ahead of her but I guess we all have our downfalls and one day who knows she could still fulfill that amazing purpose God has planned for her.

"Are you still in school?" I ask lightly because this is her last year.

Layla sucks in a breath and says "I'm barely passing my classes. What abut you?"

"I'm done this year hopefully."

Layla gives me a real smile and says "That's awesome Braylee .I hope it works out for you."

"I'm praying everything works out for you also. Don't let the devil rule your life Layla because its not his it's His." I say putting emphasis on His letting her know im talking about the big guy upstairs.

"I never thought it would turn out like this." she says with a sad chuckle. "I thought I would always be the one telling you about God's goodness."

"Sometimes what you don't expect is what you should expect."

With a sigh she admits "I'm starting to realize that."


Short chapter but I figured the other one I posted was short also so I'll post again today!



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