Chapter 46:

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Chapter 46:

"Do you have to go?" I whine holding tightly to his waist.

Wolf runs his hands through my tangled hair with a sigh. "Believe me Cupcake I don't want to go in either but I'll only be gone two hours tops. Got to your parents while I'm gone or hang out with the A team."

Chuckling at the use of our nickname for the girls I look up at him. "When you get home we should watch a movie."

Wolf chuckles and I sit up so he can. He rises off of the bed and states "We can do what ever you'd like Cupcake." he gives me a soft kiss and then goes into the bathroom to get a quick shower.

I stretch with a yawn and wipe the sleep from my eyes. Wolf had to go into work early today since he didn't go in at all yesterday. We were having a family day since it was Friday and we hadn't got to do anything family-ish in the last few weeks.

Wolf has been going into work a lot more since he is taking over the company in less than a few months. He has to learn all of the ropes to the company before he can take over. He already knows everything but to his dads best friend he thinks Wolf needs to be re taught everything before he is ready.

He's taking my man away from me and I really don't like it but I tolerate it because I know how much taking over the company means to Wolf. He wants to please his father so he wants to get everything right and I am supporting him as best I can. Some days like yesterday I beg him to stay home and he cant say no.

Who can blame me though for wanting to spend time with my blessing?

Avlee's cry comes through the baby monitor and I smile as I get up and walk to her room. She is twelve weeks old now and she has been sleeping great. She wakes up routinely at twelve three and seven through the night. Sometimes shell want to stay up and play but that's only for a few hours and then she is back to sleep. Through the day she is up all of the time besides for after she eats.

After she eats she doses off for thirty minutes to an hour and then when she wakes up she is a full ball of energy. She baby talks so much now I know that when she gets older she is going to talk no stop and ask tons of questions.

She's holding her head up awesomely now and I have to say it makes me sad when she does it. I still feel the need to support her head but I'm quickly reminded that it isn't needed when she lifts it to look at me.

My baby loves her tummy time, she gets really amused with her upper arm strength. She can push off of the ground with her arms and chest and do mini pushups it is so adorable how she just laughs and giggles enjoying it so much.

Sometimes she gets really fussy and she just wants to be soothed so Wolf and I had to get her pacifiers that were made like my breast. I didn't want her to have one at first but I realized that she needed one because i cant hold her all of the time. I may want to hold her all of the time but some times she has to be independent. She loves having her passie and playing with her toys.

"Hi baby girl." i coo when i get to her room and she her head turned toward the door as she waits for me to come in.

When she sees me her cry's stop and she beams at me showing me her gums. "Was my baby girl missing her momma?" i ask with a coo lifting her from her crib.

Wolf and i usually like her sleeping with us but since we have started interacting we though it would be better if she slept in her own room. Also she is starting to get older and we thought it would be easier to break her from sleeping with us now than later.

Avlee smiles and makes noise in the back of her throat as she tries to talk to me. "Oh really now?" i ask encouraging her to talk more. I heard its good for them when you talk and encourage them to talk.

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