Chapter 8

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I return to my place in anger. I might be angry because Tom had brought his children into my mother and father's home. Or maybe it's because his children don't respect my mother. Or maybe it's because Tom was being an asshole and decided to be born. I think it's the last one.

In my room, I put all my clothes into my dresser and closet. I sit on my bed and stare at a picture of me and my father, so long ago. He was in his military uniform, but I had his hat on my head, lopsided and falling off. We both had a grin. I was on his shoulders, and I was probably seven or eight. I was a small child.

I wipe a tear, smiling at the picture.

"If only you were here, Dad. This wouldn't be a mess" I whisper, and place the picture on my nightstand next to my alarm clock. Next to those two, I have the very hat I was wearing in the picture.

I close my eyes, and dream about life when Dad was around. When we were a happy family with Jeffrey, Katie, and Perry. I don't even know where any of my siblings are.

Jeffrey decided to follow my father's footsteps, and has been in Afghanistan for the past six months. Katie is living somewhere in New Jersey, and Perry is somewhere in the south. Not sure where though. I haven't heard from them in a while. Sure, I get the occasional call or Christmas card, but I've never seen them in person since Tom barged into our lives.


Morning came quick, and I yawned, rubbing my eyes to get adjusted to the light.

Checking my phone, my heart stops. It literally stops. Eddie had called a couple times, and left voicemails, and texted me.

E:Tobin get your sorry ass up and over to the Hospital on Fourth street.
E:Tobin get up

I listened to the voicemails.

"Tobin you're sleeping but I need you to wake up and get your ass over here at the nearby hospital right away" Eddie had said in each one. This is making me worry.

I got my bike and drove to the hospital right away, and honestly, I don't even know who I'm looking for. I spot Eddie in the waiting room, pacing and checking his watch. He's dressed sloppily, in sweatpants and a long sleeve DBHS shirt. His hair was a mess.

"Eddie?" I call. He looks to me, and takes long strides, then hugs me.

"Tobin" Eddie says. "It's about time"

"What are we doing here?" I ask.

Eddie grabs my shoulders and leans forward so we're eye level.

"I'm going to warn you right now that what you're going to see in the hospital room will bring you to tears. Happy and sad. But do not show those tears. This person needs your strength more than anything in the world. He needs you, Tobin. Please, stay strong for me" Eddie says.

"Eddie, you're scaring me" I say, nervous. He shakes his head.

"Tobin, he's in room 435" Eddie says, and sits down. Motioning for me to go.

Okay, I'm officially freaked out.

I slowly make my way to room 435, and open the door. I look around, and look at the hospital bed. Eddie was right. What is there is bringing me almost to tears. Almost. A sharp, loud bark makes me flinch, and I stare at the large dog, staring back at me. A shaky hand goes to reassure the dog, and it's not my hand that does. That dog, is a killing machine.

A Belgian Malinois. The owner, Jeffrey.

"Tobin?" A low, unsure voice calls out.

"It's me" I nod, and go to Jeffrey's side. The dog eyes me warily, sitting at attention.

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