Chapter 18

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So the next day at school started perfectly. I did not see Servando at all at school. I decided to skip half of lunch and go talk to Eddie.

"Tobin" He greets me with a hug. He greets me this way ever since the coma. "What can I do for you?"

"Where is Servando Carrasco" I ask. Eddie looks taken back by the question.

"He moved schools. Why do you ask?" Eddie says.

"Oh, no reason" I shrug.

"Tobin," Eddie says. "you wouldn't by any chance have anything to do with him moving schools"

He must have read the look on my face, because he groans.

"I'm trying to keep people in this school, not get rid of them" Eddie groaned.

"I'm sorry Eddie, Servando was being a dick and trying to get Alex to sleep with him, so we had to stop that terrible behavior somehow" I say.

"How did you stop that 'terrible' behavior?" Eddie asked.

"I can show you better than I can tell you" I say, and pull out my phone.

We watch the video, and I am laughing my ass off at the end. Eddie is trying not to laugh, but his face became red in the process.

"Poor kid" Eddie chuckles.

"No, not poor kid" I say. "He was hitting on my girlfriend" I say.

"Who could blame him? Alex is really pretty" Eddie shrugs.

"Don't you be getting any ideas, or I might have to humiliate you as well" I grin.

"Don't worry Tobin, I already have a wife that is very good to me and I would not trade her for anything" Eddie says. I fake gag and he laughs. "Oh quit it Tobin. Soon you will be the same way with Alex" Eddie grins at me.

"Soon?" I question. "Are you planning my wedding?"

"Well yes. You will be getting married after college. Thats pretty soon, right?" Eddie grins.

"Sort of" I chuckle.

"You are planning on marrying her, right?" Eddie says, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course! I love her Eddie, I really do" I say. "I'm just...just kind of scared"

"Scared?" Eddie asks.

"Yes, scared. I'm afraid that I wont be able to give her everything she deserves. I'm afraid that I wont be enough for her. That maybe she's better off with someone else" I say, nerves taking over.

"Tobin," Eddie places a hand on my shoulder. "she loves you, Tobin. Alex loves you and as long as you still love her, thats all thats gonna matter when it comes time to get married"

"How do you know when the right time to get married will come?" I ask.

"You will know, believe me," Eddie grins, and begins to push me out of his office. "you'll know, Tobin. You'll know" Then he closes the door. I stand there, thinking.

Did I really want to marry Alex? Be tied down and lose my freedom for the rest of my life?

Of course I did!

I just have to wait for that moment like Eddie said.

Returning to lunch, I sit next to Alex and drape my arm over her shoulder, and she leaned into my side.

"Where'd you go?" Alex asked me. I kiss her forehead, smiling.

"I talked to the principle" I say.

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