Chapter 20

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Alex could not believe that Captain Jack Sparrow was my idol. So we decided to have a Pirates of the Caribbean movie marathon night. It was awesome. In the middle of the second movie, Alex was laughing and finally understood why I looked up to Captain Jack Sparrow so much. I mean, who wouldn't? He is the best character ever created!

"Can we take a quick break from the movies?" Alex asked, tracing my tattoo.

"Mhmm" I hum, and Alex kissed my shoulder, then my neck, where she then trailed kisses up to my lips after paying special attention to my jawline that she loves so very much.

Alex softly connected our lips at first, and pushed me down so I was on my back. She carefully crawled on top of me. We reconnected our already swollen lips, and she dragged her tongue on my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I parted my lips just slightly at first, but she took advantage of the opening and plunged her tongue in my mouth, exploring every area.

My hands trail down her body until they rest on her ass. She kisses me harder and harder with each passing second. Alex grabbed her shirt and pulled it off. She sat up on my waist, and I caressed her soft breasts.

"T-Tobin" Alex moaned, throwing her head back in pleasure. I smirk at her.

"Tobin! Alex!" Ash's voice calls out to us in the dark. Alex flew off of my and frantically threw her shirt on. We were frantically trying to fix ourself and trying to make us look presentable with only a few seconds to do it in.

I hopped up and fixed my hair.

"Hey Ash!" I call out.

Ash comes into view, turning on a light.

"Why is it so dark in here?" Ash asked.

"Movie night" I shrug, sitting down on the couch.

"Alex," Ash laughs. "why is your shirt on backwards?"

"Uh, no-no it's not" Alex stutters.

"Yes, yes it is" Ash points at her shirt. "I can see the tag hanging out of the front"

"W-what?" Alex's eyes dart down to the front of her shirt, face really red.

"Hah, funny. What were you guys up to before I walked in?" Ash asks, raising an eyebrow, watching us carefully. Ali enters the picture, and puts her arm around Ash's arm.

"Hey Alex, hey Tobin" Ali smiles at us. "I hope you don't mind us dropping by"

Ali saved us from answering the question.

"I don't mind at all. Erm, we don't mind at all. Our teammate's seem to come by with out permission all the time so Alex and I, we have gotten used to it" I say, and Ali and Ash laugh.

"You guys are lucky that everyone likes you both so much. We don't just do this to everyone or anyone, you know" Ash grinned, and made herself at home at my house, by dropping down on our couch next to me. Ali sat next to Alex, who had fixed her shirt. I chuckled at her, and she glared at me, blushing, small smile forming. Ali noticed the small eye contact, and smirked at me. I ignored it with a light laugh.

"Okay, I feel like I'm missing something" Ash says, and has a very confused look on her face. Ali and I laugh. Alex just grins, still red.

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