Chapter 16

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/Still Alex's POV\

I fell into a bit of a mourning period, starting when I got back from visiting Tobin. I hate how the only reason Tobin is alive is that there's a machine making her heart beat.

I lay on my side of the bed, the right side. Tobin's side is the left side. I roll onto her side and bury my face in her pillow, inhaling her comforting scent. It also makes a pit form in my stomach.

How it's scary to think that Tobin was here just yesterday morning, and now she's in a hospital, struggling for life.

I take deep breaths, until I find sleep, hoping for some peace.

Only, I don't get it. My dreams are filled with Tobin, and our memories.

In the morning, the pain isn't any easier. Tobin's shoes are next to the side of her bed, and the pain of knowing she won't wear them again. I hold my face in my hands, and hang my feet off the bed.

"Tobin, when we first met, I had no idea you would be so important to me" I groan. I'm done crying. I don't have any tears left.

I get up and shuffle to the closet, grabbing Tobin's DBHS hoodie that she wore recently. I match it with some sweatpants and some new Kyrie's that Tobin got a week before by using the discount she got from work.

Then, I got into my car and drove to the hospital. In Tobin's room, she was in the same position as before, never moving. I hold her stuff hand, and smile at her peaceful figure.

"Hey baby" I whisper. "It's me, Alex. I'm back"

No response.

"I can't let you go" I whisper. "Not like this"

The door opens, and I turn my head to see Kelley, Ash, Moe, and Ali walk in.

No one says anything to anyone. We all just stand around Tobin, hoping for a sign that she may live to see another day.

Then, a doctor came in.

"Hi everyone" The doc said. I read his name tag. Dr. Gomez. No one responds. He studies Tobin, then looks at his clipboard.

I study him. He frowns, face hanging.

"I have some news" He says.

"What?" I ask. Everyone is surprised that I spoke up.

"Nothing has changed since we brought her in. You have two choices. To unplug her or to keep her like this" Dr. Gomez says.

Fear and sadness erupted inside me, and I choked back a sob.

"Alex" Ash places her hand on my shoulder, eyes full of sadness. She nods to me. I don't want to, but doing what's right and doing what you want are two totally different things.

"Before we do this...can I have a moment alone with Tobin?" I ask, on the verge of tears. Everyone nods.

"Take your time, miss" Dr. Gomez says.

Everyone leaves. I take a deep breath, and look back to Tobin.

"I'm sorry we are unplugging you baby, but...but I don't want you to suffer anymore. Im going to miss you Toby. I don't know how I'm going to go through each day knowing you aren't here with me. I'm so afraid, baby, I'm so afraid of life without you. Please, Toby, baby, give me a sign that you're still there, and there is a chance for you to come back to me. Please" I cry.

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