Bulimia pt 2

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I've been back from Mexico for a week and I have to see a therapist about my eating disorder. Brooklyn has told Victoria who told my parents, who are always in the same room as me unless I am asleep, when I go to the bathroom she's outside the door just to make sure I'm not making myself sick.

I was sitting watching TV with my dad as it was just him and I in the house, mum was round the Beckham's house as she got really close with Victoria since we got back.

"How are you feeling today?" Dad asked.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine dad"

"Hungry?" he questioned picking up a cake from the coffee table.

"Seriously?" I groaned. "I know you are trying to get me better but honestly keeping an eye on me and not letting me go anywhere by myself won't help out a lot"

He was about to say something but the doorbell cut him off. I jumped up. "I am going to open the front door, if that's allowed"

I walked to the front door and opened the door to be faced with Brooklyn.

"Great another babysitter" I rolled my eyes and turned around to walk upstairs to my room.

I jumped on my bed and turned the TV on, Brooklyn sat beside me and took the remote off me and turned it back off.

"Hey?" I frowned.

"I love you, you know that right" kissed my forehead. "I told my mum because... well because I was scared" he admitted. "But you will get better and become the same girl I fell in love with" he smiled.

"You're not going to leave me are you? because I don't think I could go through all this to have you leave me" I started to ramble and begin to cry.

"I'll be with you every step of the way to get you better" he smiled and kissed my lips.

Our lips were moving insync together his hand going from my cheek to my neck and he pushed me closer towards him. I moved to sit on him with my legs either side of him, he licked on my bottom lip asking for entery which I don't accept first making him groan in displeasure, I start moving my hips on his crotch he groans as I put down on his lip.

"I love you Beckham" I whispered to him as we were nose to nose, I began to attack his neck in kisses, he let out a few deep moans which definitely turned me on more.

"I love you so much more YLN" he smiled as he caressed my cheek. "I need you now" he moaned.

"We need to be quick and quiet, because my dad is downstairs and he'll be coming up to check on me soon" I said as I jumped off him to close my door for more privately.


I was laying in bed with my head on Brooklyn's chest, he was tracing shapes on my back as we just laid in silence.

"I love you so much Brook" I whispered.

"If you love so much why don't you believe me when I say your beautiful?" he said coldly.

I sat up covering my chest and just stared at him in disbelief, does he actually think i choose this.

"I...I'm sorry I didn't mean it, it just breaks my heart that you don't love yourself" he sat up and wiped the tears away from my face which I didn't realise was there.

"I hate this" I whispered as I rubbed my temple. "Do you think I'll ever get better? Because I don't think I will be able to, I've been doing this for so long and it won't take a day to get me back to the person I was before"

He nodded and pulled us back down. "Yes of course you can, you're YLN and you can do anything"

Suddenly the door flew open revealing Victoria and my mum.

"Darling we have your meeting" mum smiled then closing the door behind her.

Brooklyn jumped out of bed and put his boxers on, I sat up and grabbed my bra and pulled my knickers up quickly.

"I'll see you downstairs ok" he told me then closed the door behind me.

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