Car Accident

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Brooklyn and I were sitting in the car in silence as I drove us home from a little get together with our friends. He is in a mood because I wanted to leave early because I have a photoshoot in the morning. I could feel his frustration so I kept my eyes on the road and tried not to breath to loudly because I didn't want him to moan.

"You know what your problem is" he spoke him.

I look over at him. "I don't know Brooklyn, you tell me what my probably is" I said turning my head back to road.

"That you always think about yourself and no one else" he moaned as he ran his hand through his hair.

I nodded my head slowly. "That is true" I said sarcastically. "But I never said you had to leave with me, I said I was going you jumped up and followed me" I said truthfully.

"And how was I going to get home?" he questioned.

"There is a thing called a taxi" I gave him a duh look. "Listen I don't want to argue" I yawned.

"Did you even speak to any of the guys?" he asked. "Because you moan about not knowing any of the guys so that's the main reason I invited you so you could get to know them" he said softly but direct.

I bite my lip. "I just don't think we had a lot in common" I said carefully.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he questioned as I opened my window. I opened my mouth to talk but he cut me off. "Oh yeah I forgot that you put yourself above every god damn person" he laughed. "That is the fucking reason why you have hardly friends because they are fed up with your bitchiness" he frowned at me.

I looked at him with my mouth open shocked at what my boyfriend just said to me. I was shocked and hurt, I could feel tears filling my eyes.

"Y/N" he shouted pointed in front.

I looked in front to see bright headlights coming towards us, I pulled the steering to the right running the car off the road and into the bushing, then it blacked out.


I opened my eyes to find myself in darkness and not being able to move, I moved my head slightly making my wince in pain. I put my hand to my head and felt wetness and saw I had blood on my hands. I heard a small groan beside me making me see a bloodied Brooklyn, our eyes met and he suddenly put his hand in mine.

"It's going to be ok" he whispered calmly squeezing my hand.

He started to dig in his pockets and pulled out his phone. "I need to call 999" he stated, dialling the number in and putting the phone to his ear. "Hello I need an ambulance,  myself and my girlfriend have been in a car accident"  he spoke down the phone.

My head started to hurt ten times more than it did before and I started to feel light headed making me squeeze my eyes shut. I tried to concentrate on Brooklyn's voice but he started to become more quieter.

"Brook I'm going light headed" I said weakly.

He said something into the phone then I felt his hand in mine again. "We need to keep on talking, you need to concentrate on my voice and everything that I'm saying" he said trying to stay calm.

He let out a sigh making me look over at him. "What?" I questioned.

"This is all my fault, if I wasn't being a dick...."

I cut him off. "Whatever happens this wasn't your fault and I love you forever and always" I smiled at him and caressed his cheek.

Then I blacked out...


I woke up to the sound of annoying beeping sound, I frowned as I opened my eyes to find myself in a hospital with a doctor standing beside me writing something down. I looked around the room but couldn't see anyone, it was just me and the random doctor.

"Where's Brooklyn?" I questioned making the short blonde doctor jump.

"Oh hello Miss YLN, how are you feeling?" she questioned giving me a fake smile.

I shut my eyes and took in a breath. "Where is Brooklyn?" I repeated.

"He is getting treated" she explained. I kept looking at her waiting to tell me more. "Oh he has a few small injuries" she stated. "Now back to you" she smiled.

"When can I see him?" I asked ignoring her.

"I will go tell him you are awake after I've done a few exams on you" she gave me a smile.


I was sitting in my bed twiddling my thumbs nervous about seeing Brooklyn especially because what he said in the car which made us crash. The door slowly opened making me look up to see my mum, Victoria and Brooklyn behind holding flowers in his good arm. I gave him a little smile before being attacked by both my mum and Victoria with cuddles.

"Not too tight" I moaned being squeezed by the two woman.

"You two scared us so much, how did it happen?" Victoria asked as she played with a bit of my hair.

I looked up at Brooklyn who looked at me and sighed. "It was my fault" we said in unison making our mums just stare at us.

"Ok you don't have to tell us but you need to drive more safely and Brook you need to be good passenger" Victoria explained to us, making us nod at her.

"I'm going to call your father" mum explained kissing my forehead then leaving followed by Victoria who went to get some coffee.

I looked over at Brooklyn who walked closer to me slowly. "I've brought you flowers because I want to apologise for earlier" he said quietly. "When you blacked out I thought you was..." he stopped and just looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"I'd never leave you" I whispered grabbing his hand. "I'm sorry for being a bitch" he laughed as he put both his hands on my face and pulled in for a long passionate kiss.


Been awake and started a new book and decided to hit out some more imagines. I don't know whether to do a story or another celebrity imagines alongside this one. Who would you want another imagine be about?

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