You deserve better (you as Giggs' daughter)

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I woke up feeling sore all over as I laid on the floor with my back against the wall, instantly knowing Ryan lost it again and hit you. You slowly stood up and instantly grabbing hold of the bed because of your dizziness.

I walked quietly out of his bedroom into the hallway and heard silence, I started walking down the stairs having a tight grip of the rail as your vision was blurry as hell. I managed to get outside and get inside my car, I instantly locked the doors paranoid he was going to jump out of nowhere and beat me up again for trying to leave because he definitely wasn't finished with me.

I turned the engine on and quickly drove off, I was sitting up straight in the seat and squinted my eyes to try and get focus in my eyes. He lived an hour away from my house and I knew I would probably hurt myself or others if I drove all the way, I made my way to the one place that would welcome me in.

I pulled up and jumped out the car, I pulled my hood over my face as I walked past the paparazzi, I couldn't walk that fast as I held on to my stomach which was giving me a lot of pain. I walked through the front door of the Beckhams house and could hear  their voices in the kitchen.

By this point I was feeling really faint so I was leaning on everything as I made my way towards the kitchen, I opened the door and instantly got their attention making David and Victoria run over to me. David was holding me up as Victoria pulled down my hood making her gasp in shock.

"Oh my god Y/n" she said softly as she gentle caressed my cheek.

"Brooklyn take the kids in the other room please" David stated as they sat me down on the stool.

I didn't give any of them eye contact as they rushed around the room to find the right equipment to help me.

"Ok this is going to sting a little bit" David reappeared infront of me. "But we need to clean you up to see what the damage is" he explained.

He moved my hair out of my face and slowly dabbed my face which made me bite my lip.

"Who did this to you?" He whispered.

"Do you want to call the police?" Victoria questioned as she stood beside me with her hand in mine.

"No" I said weakly.

"Why are you still trying to protecting him?" Brooklyn's voice appeared making us all look over at him. "Why are you wasting your time on him, a girl like you deserves a gentleman not some freak show"

"I love him" I whispered.

"Do you think he loves you?" He frowned. "Do you think he loves you when he is punching you?" He repeated as I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Brooklyn not now" David scolded his son as Victoria pecked my forehead. "Pumpkin where else are you hurt?"

"My ribs"

They both looked at eachother then looked back at Brooklyn who was pacing around.

"Ok I'm going to see the kids" David gave me a small smile then walked out.

Victoria got my shirt and pulled it over my head leaving me in my sports bra, I saw Brooklyn look over at me slightly then shook his head as he saw the mess.


"Don't start Brooklyn! You can't make me feel anymore shitter than I already feel" I cried.

We looked at eachother in the eyes for a couple of minutes like we were having a small conversation in our heads. A sudden yelp left my mouth as Victoria squeeze my side.

"I think you have a few broken ribs" she frowned. "You are pretty much bruised all over"

As soon as she said it Brooklyn appeared beside me with a softer look on his face.

"You need to go to the hospital" he urged.

I shook my head. "No because they will ask questions and get the police involved and make it worse than it needs to be" I argue back.

Brooklyn hung his head down, he moved his hand to mine and held it, rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand.

"Y/n you don't have to do this alone, I will be here for you one hundred percent" he said staring right into my eyes. "I won't let you down" he whispered.

I studied his face, his eyes looked like he was pleaded with me that he wanted me to go through with this, he bite his bottom lip like he usually does when he is nervous or scared.

"I'm scared" I whispered with tears appearing in my eyes.

"You don't have to do this alone" he whispered as he caressed my cheek then pulled me in for a hug. "Plus I can treat you better than he can" he laughed as he kissed my forehead.

"I will call your dad and tell him we are going to the hospital" Victoria smiled and walked out.


Got some inspiration from Shawn Mendes Treat You Better. (I am a little obsessed at the moment, I mean I did just play this 4 times while I was writing this)



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