You hate him as Giggs' daughter part 2

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Most of the day I kept my distance away from pretty boy and the fake blonde on his arm, which was easy because they were always surrounded by fans wanting photos. Chloe kept giving me sly looks and every time I looked towards them she would peck him on the cheek and whispered something in his ear which made him laugh.

I rolled my eyes at them and made my way towards the bathroom to freshen up. Once I did my business I walked out the cubicle walking towards the sinks where a blonde appeared beside me.

"Hey Y/n" Chloe smiled leaning on the sinks.

"What do you want?" I questioned as I dried my hands.

"What do I want?" she questioned as I fixed my hair in the mirror. "I want you to stay away from my boyfriend" she snapped making me stop and look at her raising my eyebrows at her. "Yeah Brook told me what you told me minutes before I walked in earlier" she explained.

I opened my mouth to say something but she jumped in. "It's pretty pathetic that you are trying to get someone far out of your league" she said giving me a puppy dog look. "Yeah you have grew up with him but you are a nobody" she said folding her arms.

"Oh don't worry he is all yours, you should get back to him he's probably lost with his little blonde puppy hanging off his arm" I stated, she frowned then turned around and ran out.

I checked my hair again and reapplied some lipgloss on. Once I was done I walked and back towards the lobby where my dad, Gary, Brooklyn and Chloe were deep in conversation. Gary made eye contact with me and waved me over as my dad and Brooklyn stood awkwardly.

"Y/n I've just had a complaint that you haven't been nice to Chloe" Gary looked stern at me. "I took you on because you are a people person and you don't take things personally, if you are starting to I have no choice in downgrading you to the cleaner" he informed me.

I snorted with laughter. "You believe her over me?" I questioned.

He nodded. "I've got Rosie to do your VIP suites, you can do her jobs" he stated, he opened his mouth to something but I cut him off.

"Screw this" I put my hands up and pushed past them.

I could hear them call my name but I just wanted to get out if the lobby before I broke down in tears. I was running up the stairs two steps at the time, I ran to the very top floor with footsteps following behind me. I opened the fire door and was met with a soft Manchester evening breeze with the sight of Old Trafford busy with United and Chelsea fans. I sat down pulling my legs to my chest as I breathed in the fresh burger smelling air. I was hurt that Gary would believe Chloe's poison, I was always closest to Gary out of all dads footballing friends. I was hurt my dad didn't stand up for me when Chloe or Gary was saying the things, he knows how much I enjoy this job. I was hurt that Brooklyn just stood their without looking at me in my eyes as I lost my job over his girlfriends lies.

I wiped my eyes as I felt someone's presence, I turned my head to see Brooklyn.

"Please don't come up here and argue with me, I'm tired of arguing with you"I admit he put his arms up as he walked towards me and sat beside me.

"I'm sorry" he whispered making give out a soft chuckle as I rolled my eyes at him. "Honestly I am" he said turned towards me as I kept my eyes on the people below us. "This is an amazing view, do you come here often?" he questioned.

I nodded my head. "When I want to get away from people and think, I come here when I can't sleep" I admit. "I don't know,I feel close to Neville up here" I smiled remembering memories when I was younger with Brooklyn and Gary's father Neville. "He was always there for me giving me advice on boy problems and school and I feel like he's listening when I'm up here" I added, looking up at the cloudy sky.

I felt Brooklyn's hand brush past mine making me move them to my lap. "I miss him too" he whispered. I let out a little smile at him. "What do you think he'd think about all of this?" he questioned.

I shrugged. "He'd be down their moaning at Gaz and my dad for believing Chloe"

He nodded with a small laugh leaving his mouth. "Then he'd moan at me for not telling you my feelings sooner, and I would tell him it was because I was scared that she'd laugh in my face and lose her forever, then my parents told me to get an A Lister celebrity girlfriend would be a good move" he did looking up at the sky as I looked at him.

He turned to face me, he smiled and licked his bottom lip, my eyes wandered over his freckles which were on his nose, our eyes connected for a second before his scanned my mouth. He put his hand up to my face and placed a piece of my hair behind my ear then caressed my cheek softly as he studied my face long and hard. He moved his head towards me, I closed my eyes then seconds after his lips crashed into mine, moving perfectly in sync with eachother. It was a very slow passionate kiss with loads of sparks flying out of my chest.

"I love you so much Giggsy" he whispered then pecking my lips again.

"I love you too Becks" I laughed against his lips then pecking his lips again.

I rested my head on his shoulder as he played with my hand which was on his lap as I watched people go by going into Old Trafford, feeling not a care in a world.


I don't know how good that was but yeah...
Should I do more imagine with Gigg's daughter? I could think of more situation for them, if you are down with that. 

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