Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

I woke up the next morning, determined to call Niall and break up with him. But first I had to go to see Doctor Yen with my family about my dad. Aimee had called last night and told him about the internet test and our dad's behavior. Doctor Yen made an appointment for this morning, hoping to find him a psychiatrist that will prescribe him good medication and get him back on the right track. Mom heard this and started to cry. Sure, they were divorced, but she still wanted him to be healthy. 

After we saw the doctor, he suggested we see Doctor Goodman, he worked about 3 blocks down from the hospital. My dad denied that he was depressed, but my mother said if he didn't she'd raise hell in the house. I guess my dad was afraid of her, because after she said that he agreed in going. His first appointment was tomorrow, and Mother agreed to drive him there since we had one car and she needed to go grocery shopping. 

We got home, and the first thing I did was march up stairs to get some quiet. I picked up my phone, about to ring his phone, but I was scared. I don't know why, I didn't want to end things with Niall. I loved him, I still do, he's perfect in every single way and I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with him. But just because we haven't had sex yet doesn't mean he can bang the first slut he sees. I just had to do it quickly, hopefully I could just leave a voicemail.

I pressed his speed dial and the phone started to ring. I was pacing in my room, my heart in my stomach. After two rings he answered, damnit.

"Hello?" his Irish accent rang through the phone, "Kennedy? I've missed you so much! How's the family?"

"They're doing all right," I answered, not sure of what to say.

"Do you know when you're coming back?" he asked hopefully.

"Oh, yeah so you can plan out how many times you can see her before I come back!" I raised my voice.

"What are you talking about? Who's her?" he asked.

"Please, Niall, spare me the lies, I know you slept with Tommie the other night," I spat into the phone.

"Kennedy, I would never do that, what are you talking about?" he asked, still persistant on that lie.

"STOP ACTING LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW," I yelled, catching myself and taking a deep breath to prevent crying, "Why would you send me a recording of it and then act like it never happened?"

"Because it never happened! I didn't sleep with her! I'm still a virgin, you know that!" he tried to defend himself.

"You can't just go and get drunk at a party and act like it wasn't your fault," I spat again.

"I didn't get drunk, I had one drink at that party, I can't get drunk from one drink," he explained hastily.

"What do you remember from that party?" I asked him, more like an interrogation.

"Well, Tommie handed me a drink, and then, um, we went up stairs because I ws dancing too much, and she took off her clothes..." he said, trailing off.

"I don't want to hear any more, Niall," I said, tears threatening to pour, "I-I wanted to be your first."

"But, wait, we didn't have sex! She just... what was in that drink?" he asked himself.

"You can't just blame it on the drink, I know you slept with her," I said, my voice shaky, "It's over, Niall."

"Please Kennedy, don't do this," he said. I could tell he was starting to cry.

"Goodbye," I said before hanging up on him. I didn't want to hear another excuse from him. I was sick of his lies, I just can't believe he would do that to me. I know he never lies, but what the hell made him start now? That was the hardest thing I've ever done, besides leave Derek. But I wasn't going to think about that.

I decided to ring Derek. "Hello?" he answered.

"Are you at home?" I asked him, my voice still uneven.

"Yeah, I just finished breakfast, are you ok?" he asked, concerned.

"Is it ok if I come over?" I asked.

"Sure, it's not a problem, I'll pick you up now," he said.

"No, it's fine, I'll walk. I need some air anyways," I said.

"Ok, be safe," he said and I hung up. I cleaned up my face and told Mom I was going out for a bit.

"Is everything alright dear? I heard some crying coming from your room," she said, coming over to me.

"Yeah, Mom, I'm fine," I said flatly. I was trying to go as soon as possible.

"You can talk to me about anything, you know that," she said, looking deep into my eyes.

"I just, I'm going to Derek's, I'll be home before curfew," I said, dismissing the conversation and heading out the door. My mother looked so concerned, it pained me to see her so worried about everyone. As I walked, I enjoyed the warm California weather, and tried not to think about Niall.

~ Niall's POV ~

I was sitting on the edge of my bed, head in my hands. I wouldn't let myself cry, men don't cry. I just couldn't believe she broke up with me over the phone, over something I didn't even do. She thinks I slept with her, but the last thing I remember was Tommie picking her head up from my crotch and getting dressed, then driving me home. The memories were very blurry though. 

I decided to look through my phone and search for this said 'audio recording'. I looked through my text messages, and went to Kennedy's name. I clicked play and listened to the moans and groans the Tommie and I yelled. Crap, it did sounds like we were having sex. But it was only, you know. I looked at Tommie's name on the messages list, and clicked on it. Looks like she sent me the audio post before I sent it to Kennedy. I didn't remember sending it to Kennedy... Tommie probably did it.

I decided to confront her about this, I knew going to that party was a mistake. How could I have trusted her?

I arrived at her house and knocked rapidly on the door. She answered it, still in her pajamas, "Don't knock so loud, I have a massive head ache." She let me inside as she held her hand to her head.

"What the hell kind of drug did you give me last night, I can vaguely remember anything that happened," I said, demanding to know the answer.

"Chill Horan, it was just a roofie," she said, sitting on her couch in the den.

"What happened last night?" I asked her.

"You don't remember?" she asked as if I should've remembered, "Niall, we had some fun last night." She got up, placing a finger under my chin and getting her face very close to mine.

"Cut it, Tommie, I know we didn't have sex," I said, trying to get her to tell me more information.

"Fine," she said, giving up. I was surprised she gave up, it was probably her head ache, "I just went down on you. But I'm sure you remember liking it." I couldn't lie about that, don't judge me. 

"Why on earth did you record it and send it to Kennedy?" I asked her, getting furious.

"Isn't it obvious?" she asked me like I was stupid, "I did it to break you guys up, duh." She was taking this whole situation lightly.

"Honestly, Tommie, you're so fucking immature," I said, shaking my head.

"Well it worked," she said, rolling her eyes.

"How do you know that?" I asked her sternly.

"You wouldn't be over here if it didn't," she smirked and walked over to the kitchen, grabbing asprin from the cabinet.

"Well, why did you want us broken up anyway?" I asked her, confused.

"Because, you dumb shit, if I can't have you, no one can," she sneered at me. 

"You're sick," I spat at her, and I started heading towards the door.

"Yeah?" she called after me, "Well good fucking luck getting Kennedy back! You'll be crawling back to me before you know it!"

I slammed the door behind me, walking quickly back to my house. That stupid girl thinks just because she made Kennedy think we had sex that that's the end of that, well she's got another thing coming. I'll get Kennedy back if it's that last thing I do.

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