^*Pranking Partners~Steve*^

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Steve Rogers a.k.a Captain America

(Y/n) = Your name

Prompt: You and Steve live together and work together. Every morning things run smoothly because you both gotten used to each other.
Recently, Tony got mad at Steve for some stupid reason and reset your alarm, which by the way, wakes you up at 7 am. But Tony set it to 9am. Let's just say, it was a very weird morning.


Stupid alarm. You reached for it and hit the button to stop the annoying sound. You opened your eyes and stretched, hitting Steve's leg, who was half awake and half asleep.

Yawning you shook Steve, "Honey, time to wake up"

He just moaned and rolled over, like any typical morning but the only thing that was different was the light that hit Steve's shoulder, and he knew it too. You quickly turned the clock and saw that it was 9:02 am.

"Steve! We're late!" You jumped off the bed and rummaged through the closet only to have Steve trip and push you into a cloths basket. He grabbed his suit and went to the bathroom, before getting there he tripped on a wire and almost face planted on the ground. He opened the door to the bathroom and then a bucket of paint poured down. He cursed and you couldn't help to say, "Language!"
You struggled out of the basket and grabbed your suit, before you got the suit on Steve busted through the door.

"Steve!" You screamed. Covering up your body with the bed blankets(yes you were wearing undergarments). Steve's face turned as red as a tomato and he slowly backed out. As fast as you could, you got dressed and scrambled out to the kitchen, slipping into the apartment door because Tony buttered your floor. You got up to Steve trying to make coffee. It didn't end up very well, he through the thing on the floor and huffed, "it was broken before I even started using it". You nodded and both of you hustled out the door, got on the motor cycle, and zoomed to Shield.

Steve and you busted through Fury's door, Fury just looked up and tilted his head.

"You owe me a new door.....what the hell are you guys doing here? Why are you wearing each other's suits?"

"We're here because we work here and-"Steve turned to you and then you knew why your suit was so loose.

"It's a Sunday, go home. If we need you, we'll call you" Fury laughs a bit.

As you leave Fury's office, Tony is sitting there laughing with about 10 different camera angles and directing them was Shield agents themselves. Both of you were utterly embarrassed so you decided to make it even right then and there.

"I got you good! I can't believe..hahaha" Tony laughed

"Yeah. Tony. You got us. But you know what your not going to have?" You kick him in the nuts, he curled into a ball and just laid there not moving. All the cameras were turned on him, whincing.
"Sex for weeks" you spat and Steve and you walked out back to the apartment.

"We should clean this up" Steve sighs, but you shake your head, not wanting to do any of it. If anything you are going to make Tony fix it...and make sure Steve gets premade coffee every morning. "What should we do then?" He asks

You hold out your arms, exhausted from this little prank. Steve picks you up bridal style and carries you to the bedroom.

"I love you" Steve states and kisses your forehead

"I love you too" you smile and fall asleep with your head on Steve's chest.


A couple hours later you woke up to a clean house, you also noticed it was cold in your bed, no Steve. It was about 11 am, and you still didn't want to wake up.

"Steve!" You yelled through the apartment. Steve came running in with a frantic look and a mop. What would he do with a mop. "Steve, why did you bring a mop?" 

"I thought you were in trouble" 

"But..Steve..why a mop" You laugh

"Tony hid my Shield" Steve pouted 

"Speaking of Tony. We have to prank him back" You sit up and stretch your arms.

"What can we prank Tony with? I mean if we do the smallest thing to his home, he will notice" Steve explains

"We need apple juice!" 

"Apple Juice?"


Later that week, nobody ever stop talking about Tony spitting apple juice all over Pepper in the morning. Steve and you developed a plan to put Apple Juice in all of his alcohol drinks. He was so surprised when Pepper was trying to talk to him he spit it at her! Haha! Yes! Tony looked so pissed, he hasn't showed up to work today, which makes you wonder if he is at your place. Just to make sure he wasn't you set up a guarding system. 

"That was a pretty great prank, (Y/n)" Steve laughed remembering it again


"What prank should we pull next? I have a few ideas.."

"Hold your horses, Steve. Let's just go home and watch some Netflix"

"And chill?" Steve questioned

"Did Tony explain that to you?"

Steve puts his head down in shame.

"Sure" You sighed and went home.

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