^*Steve Rogers ~ Caged(Pt. 2)*^

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Steve Rogers AKA Captain America

It's time to escape the hell in the ocean 


"Are we going to do this everyday?" I glare at on of the guards. It has been about 6 days since I last seen Bucky and Steve. Tony came back, tried to interview me into telling him where Steve and Bucky were. Sam told them, I was mad at first but Tony agreed to go as a friend, then he believed that Bucky was being set up.

"Where did they go?" The guard growls.

"Up yours."

Another punch to the gut hurts even more than the first. I really hate being here. I wish that Rogers would bust through the door and save the day but he is probably safe with Bucky and that's all I could ever ask for. Well....

"Where are they?"

"Are you deaf or something?"

Before another punch could come in he flies across the room into the wall. THANK GOD! I look to Sam and he starts smirking. It's Steve Rogers, my husband.

"God. You take forever."

Steve chuckles, "You shoulda came with." Steve picks me up bridal style and smiles. He kisses me on the head and helps me stand correctly. He hands me some keys to open Scott and Wanda's cell. He gets to help Clint and Sam.

I wait for Wanda's cell to open, only to find her un moving, scared.

I smile warmly, "Hey. It's okay. We're going to get you out of here."

Wanda only nods because that is the only thing she can do, the shock collar around her neck it so stupid. I absorb the energy of the shock collar which I break apart and help her out of the restraining jacket. She immediately hugs me tight, not wanting to let go. I hold her hand while I walk to help Scott out of the cell.

"I thought if you could break out of a prison, I thought you could break out of this one." I smirk.

He shrugs, "I wanted to but I didn't want to, y'know, die."

I nod. Wanda, who is still tight to my hand won't go near anyone. I wondered what they did to her. She looks sick and scared or herself. We start running to whatever Steve came here with. Wanda is kind of using her powers to keep me up. The punches to the gut day by day were to much. We get into a Wakanda helicopter and sit in it, no one talking. I want to burst out and cry so bad. I look to Wanda who hasn't spoke since the battle at the air port.

"You're going to be fine." I smile, she just shakes her head.

"I want to let you know that we aren't scared of you. Honestly, nobody really is. The government didn't treat you like that because they're afraid. They did what they did because they wanted control. Don't be afraid of your own mind. Everyone thinks we're perfect at the job we do, but we can't be. Everyone thinks that we save everyone. Then government made people fear us because they want to look like the superior power. We aren't going to show them they are, we aren't going to show them that we are either. We are just going to try and help the world go around for now and ever. Okay?"

Wanda nods, "Yeah. Okay."

"Do you have any first aid kits their, uh, Your Highness." I question sliding down onto the floor to rest my body.

"Of course." He hands me a pack and a lay it on my stomach. 

"Your wife is a boss!" Scott smiles.

"She snapped at Ross everyday." Sam laughs, "She even knew some stuff that she wasn't suppose to know."

"Ross was suppose to be watching Bruce. He wasn't signed into our custody"

Steve helps me up and I remember falling asleep in his arms next to Wanda who continued to hold my hand.  

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