^*Where's Waldo?~Steve*^

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Steve Rogers AKA Captain America

Prompt: Steve lost his Shield and he blames you for losing it.


"It's like a giant Frisbee" you state, spinning Steve's beloved Shield around your finger.

"It's more handy than you think" He says and takes the Shield from you.

"Hey! I was spinning that"

"Don't spin my Shield. Besides, I don't want it to be dented anymore that it is"

"Says the person who throws it into cars and planes and Shizz"

Steve holds out his hand for you to get off the couch to go to a meeting for work. You take it and walk out the door together.

"You should teach me how to use it" you claim, who doesn't want to learn how to use Captains America Shield.

"I don't think your strong enough" he smiles. You pull him back, wanting to yell at him for what he said.

"What?" You glare

"Tony can't even use it"

You roll your eyes and continue down the stairs, "Since when did you let Tony use it?"

"He stole it from me. I didn't wike it"

"Tony can be weak. Then theres me!"

"Well, talk about it later"


You take a bite of your PB and J only for it to be ripped from your hands and thrown into the wall. Steve touched your food.

"What the hell?" You inquire

"Where is it?" He glares

"Where's what?"

"Don't play dumb, I know you did it"

"You just touched my food. If I knew what was going on, I would tell you what you need to know. What did I do?"

"My shield. Where is it?"

You laugh, "You lost your most beloved Object-"

"Where is it!?"

"I don't know! Ask Tony"

Steve huffs and walks out of the apartment to the tower.


You refused to talk to Steve after his tantrum yesterday. He still hasn't found his Shield and he keeps blaming you for it. You don't know what to do so you woke up early to find it. You looked all over the apartment, nothing. Then you went to the Tower, only to find it in Tony's room.

"Finally, you ditched Capsicle for me" Tony smirks.

"Hell no. I am just grabbing his Shield that you hid from him"

"He gave it to me to hide"


You stormed out of the tower back to the apartment and decided to really hide it this time, only to play where's waldo. At 4:00 am the WHOLE apartment was filled with the same design on the Shield. So much white, blue, and red. You even decorated the floor. As you ate your pancake that looks like Steve's Shield you heard crunches of paper as Steve's big feet carried him to the breakfast counter.

"Why?" He sighs and smiles

"Y'know, you hear the funniest things from Tony" His smile sorta fades, "I have learned to not to trust Tony but what he said made a little more sense than usual. Have fun finding your shield this morning"



"Just tell me where my Shield is and we can spend the day cuddling and watching movies"

"Nah, I rather see you suffer first" You laugh.

"pleaseeeeeeee, (y/n)"

"Steve find your Shield in the next 30 minutes and I will never mess with it again"

He starts rummaging through paper, pillows and more. Steve didn't even realize that Bucky and you had a conversation and gave you the Shield. You walked the clock as the last two minutes counted down.


"STEVE!!!" You copied

"Where is it" Steve whines

"How do you not know?"

"I am playing Where's Dildo"

You bust out laughing and fall to the floor. Steve's face goes red from embarrassment or anger, maybe even both. The Shield rolls out from under the table and Steve takes it and hugs it. You are dying on the floor, unknown what to do other than die laughing.

"Found it. Only 12 seconds left! Never touch my shield again!" Steve states proudly

You stand up and wipe your face from tears, "Totally Worth it" You stumble to the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To the tower to tell Tony and the others"

"No! Wait! Tony will never let it go!"

"I know Queen Elsa. That's the point"

You start running to the Tower as Steve chases you not far behind. The elevator closes and Steve is too late. Once the elevator door opens to a group of Avengers, you try to get say the information but get tackled by a heavy breathing Steve and a hand over your mouth.

"Where are you attacking, Lady (y/n)?" Thor asks


"What is going on?" Bucky asks

You bite Steve's hand and run behind Bucky.

"Guess what Steve did!" You jump on the sofa

"This should be good!" Tony amuses

You sighed, "He found his Shield"

"That's it?" Tony pushes

"Yeah. I mainly came here for orange juice"

Steve smiles and follows you to the kitchen, "Why didn't you tell them?"

You shrug, "Honestly, you look cute when your worried"

Steve giggles and takes some of your offered Orange Juice.

"I love you" You kiss Steve on the lips

"I love you more" Steve kisses back

"EEEEWWWWW! (y/n) and Steve are kissing!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tony gross-out

"Dude, you kiss more people during a 24 hour basis, I bet you kiss more people that there is 60 seconds in a minute"


"Sir, I believe that is called a Burn" Jarvis states

"Shut-up Jarvis" Tony huffs on his way back to his room.

You and Steve take a place on the couch and talk about whatever,


Hey, Guy!

How was this? DM me for more or if you want something certain done.

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