^*School Troubles~Everyone*^

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Bucky Barnes AKA The Winter Soldier
Steve Rogers AKA Captain America

Your a teenager who goes to school and you live with the Avengers because they say your Hero quality. Because your different you have trouble making friends at school and these are some scenarios with school and the Avengers.

Peter Parker is also in here, the Andrew Garfield one because I don't know what Tom Hollands character is like yet. I have to give him a chance!



1) Got into a fight

You and Peter go to college school together and while these kids was getting bullied you stepped in. Peter wasn't there at the time, so you had to do something. There were 3 guys who were well built and picking on two nerds. You only call them that to classify which is which. People began to chant, "Fight, Fight, Fight!"

You pushed through the crowd of chanting  people. The 3 jocks were squared up and ready to through down, till you intervened.

"Guys, won't you leave them alone!" You screamed.

"Whatever Freak!" One of the guys pushed you down. You got right back up and pushed him back, he took a swing at you and punched you in the face knocking you down. He then kicked your stomach, as he bent down to punch you again you kicked him were the sun don't shine. He kneeled down, and the two other jocks released the two nerds and came after you. You were held up for a punching bag. The jock you kicked in the nuts punched you hard 3 times in your gut. The principal and Peter finally broke up the fight with you spitting blood out of your mouth and the two nerds thanking you.

You sat in the nurses office with an ice ack to your face.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Peter asks, "When we get home we have to tell the team, you show them the bruises"

"It's just saying I'm weak, not worthy of the team"

"Your not on the team because of your fighting skills. They do take part in that but your smart, funny, you have kick ass powers that you keep well hidden. You are part of the team"

You hug Peter, "Thank you"

"We are still telling the team"


"Come on, (y/n). (Steve/Bucky) is waiting for you"

When you got to the tower, everyone was in there usual places. Steve siting and talking to Bucky, Tony in the kitchen making diner, Natasha and Clint at the Bar, Bruce listening to music, Scott on his phone. You had your hat on to hid the black eye on your face, everyone does it.

"Hey, kiddos. How was your day at school?" Tony asks. Everyone turns to you and Peter standing in the door way.

"It was fine."

Peter huffed, "(Y/n) got into a fight"

You took off your hat and the black eye seemed to take up your face. You heard a gasp from almost everyone.

"Holy shit" Tony angered

"Is that it?" Your boyfriend (Steve/Bucky) asked.

You pulled up your shirt revealing Black and Blue bruises.

"What the fuck, (y/n)? How this happen?" Scott asks

"Some people were getting bullied so I wanted to help them out"

Your boyfriend hugged you.

"She's a real good asset to the team" Peter smiles

"I'll get you some ice packs" Natasha states

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