^*Bucky Barnes ~ Jealous Much?*^

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Bucky Barnes AKA The Winter Soldier

Bucky gets jealous when he sees you with another guy at the bar.


I watch myself in the mirror of the bar and sip at my beer. Work has been a bitch and I just needed to get away. Bucky has been a great help but he wasn't home today so I left to the bar, it's the only place I can clear my head. I left a note for him. 

"Hi." A guy smiles and sits next to me at the bar. Great, now I have to deal with this Ass hole, "Wait, uh, (y/n)?"

"Jared? Jared Padalecki?"


I hug Jared and he hugs me back. His wife and I are really good friends and she introduced me to Jared. We were great friends till I got called back to be an Avenger. 

"How have you been?" I ask

"Uh, great, really good. How about you and saving the world?" He questions

"Great. I mean, difficult but manageable."

"Still watch the show?"

"All the time! How's the kids?"

"They are growing so fast. You should come over and see them someday."

"Why are you in New York?"

"Filming, yeah. It's been a wild rollercoaster ride!"

"Uh, can I get you a drink?" 

"Sure. One beer? Work has been quite tough and busy."

"You have no idea."

"Heya, Doll. Who's this?" Bucky slings his arm over me.

"Bucky this is Jared, Jared, Bucky." 

"Hey, man." Jared holds out his hand and Bucky hesitantly takes it.

"Look, nice catching up in all, but we have to hit the road. Bye!" Bucky starts to pull you away but you stop him.

"Hold on. Jared! Here's my number, call me, maybe we can catch up again."

Bucky continues to pull me until we are outside.

"What's the hurry?" I snap

"Who is he?" Bucky demands

"A friend from a long time ago. Why?"

"N-no, no reason. I just thought he was hitting on you." Bucky stumbles, "Son of a gun! I forgot my jacket. I'll be right back."

What you didn't know is when Bucky came back to retrieve his Jacket he threaten Jared to never call unless he can come with. 


I KNOW! This is short and horrible and wrong every turn there is but I really need your guy's help.

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I need them! Please! Private message or comment please!


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