^*Steve Rogers ~ Caged*^

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Steve Rogers AKA Captain America

This is the time you were with Team Cap in Jail after they were taken in by the government.

I am mad. I will never stop being mad as they tortured Sam, Wanda, and I for information. They didn't torture Scott or Clint, I made sure of that. The main reason they had large glass windows in the cells is to watch us get tortured, to pressure the ones who might know something into saying something.

"Just tell us where Captain America and The Winter Soldier is and this will be all over." General Ross states through the com. 

I start laughing, "Man, who do you think we are? You are truly the stupidest person I've ever met if you think anyone's going to talk." I get another punch to the gut, and another, and another.

"Your friends are being tortured because of them, don't you want it to stop?"

"I do but not at the cost of my other friends getting tortured."

"You mean your husband and the murder with him? He could be dead any moment."

I shake my head, "Even if that is true, which it will never be, what you did to my friends, it makes me want to kill you in ways you never thought of."

"You know threatening a General is never a way to go or to let you free."

"Really? Never knew that." I hear a small scoff from Scott. "Because of you Steve lost his symbol as a hero, Tony has lost himself and the people he cares for, Bucky lost his memory more times than you can count, Rodney lost his ability to walk, Sam lost his freedom, T'challa lost his father, Wanda lost her confidence, Natasha lost the trust in her allies, Clint lost his life for what is right, Vision lost his hope to understand what's in his mind, Peter lost his low profile to the world, and Scott lost time with his daughter, again, because of you. And don't you dare say it was our fault, you put this decision on us knowing some of us wouldn't agree with this." 

"And the people who did agree with the accords? How about The Winter Soldier who killed T'challa's father-"

"God, you're an asshole. He lost his memory, he was controlled by the enemy." 

"And he isn't now? I hardly believe that."

"Maybe if you took your thumb out of your ass, you would see it."

"How dare you say that to a general!"

"The one who is suppose to be monitoring the Hulk's where abouts?"

General Ross doesn't say anything else, instead the guards leave me in the room. I fall onto my knees and start coughing up a little blood. I want to scream and pound on the ground but that would show weakness. I can't show that. I just have to believe that Steve is coming back for us, which he is, he told me.

"You're such a badass, I can see why Cap married you." Sam laughs

I smile a little but whince a bit, "Yeah."

"Jesus, are you going to be okay?" Scott asks

I try to stand but fall down, "Y'know, the last time I was with the government I don't remember them torturing people."

"Well, that's the government for you." Clint mumbles.

"We have to get out of here." Scott pounds on the glass

"I know." I smile, "I'm working on it."

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