^*Valentines Day Special~Steve*^

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Steve Rogers AKA Captain America

Prompt: It's Valentines Day. He tries to propose....


"This soufflé is really good. Where did you learn to cook?" You ask as you take another bite.

"Bucky and I went to a cooking class in High School. One of my best teachers" Steve explains

"Well, they taught you well. And Happy Valentines Day" You smile, pulling out a large gift bag.

"You didn't"

"Oh, I did"

"We both agreed no presents"

"Yeah. Well" You shrug. Handing over the gift bag.

It had a picture of an apartment in Brooklyn. Labeled Sold.

His face dropped open, "You got a place in Brooklyn for us?!"

"Yeah. Really cheap price. We have 3 different rooms, a guest room and room and a suit. Plus the two bathrooms, living room, spectacular kitchen and our own parking"

"Did you win this?"

"I just happen to have friends in high places and had a lot of money. I paid the fee of 2000 dollars a month for the next 3 years. I could get my money back in case we want to go somewhere else or something"

Steve was speechless. The next thing you know he is kissing you passionately. Your were kind of surprised at first but...its Steve.

"Why did you get this for us?" He asks

"Because I love you and It's Valentine's Day tomorrow"

"I love you too" Steve states pulling you in for another passionate kiss. The rest of the night was History.


Valentine's Day

You woke up to a cold bed. There was a note on your left saying to get dressed when your ready and come and have breakfast. Funny, your the one who cooks breakfast. As soon as you open the bedroom door, you were greeted with wonderful smells. Cookies; muffins: pancakes; waffles.

"Oh my gosh! Steve!" You Yelp happily.

"I had a little help but...HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!"

You smiled and kissed him happily. As you sat down to watch your favorite movie Steve got you breakfast. He offered to make more but you both started having a pancake fight. You would throw one and it would hit his face and he would miss you to hit the window. Let's just say...it became a sticky mess.

Around lunch time Steve headed off to work and you started packing for Ye new apartment. It's was an hour or so away from here with the traffic so you wanted to load everything up in one trip. As you were loading things you found a small box.

It was a red velvet box. At first you didn't know what to think so you opened it. It was a beautiful Dimond ring. You gasped. Steve was going to as you to marry him! You put it back were you found it and continued like you didn't know it was there. By the time Steve got home you woke up from your "tiny" nap.

"Wanna take a walk?" Steve asked gently. You stretched and followed out to the park.



It is an amazing nightclub the temperature was perfect, the air had the perfect amount of the smell of dust after rain. The perfect spring night there every was and every will be.

"It's amazing out here Steve" You sighed, gazing at the stars, were a blanket lie underneath you.

"I know. I wanted to make sure today was perfect"

"It's too perfect. With you in my life, everything is always perfect"

You felt Steve's hand sneak into yours and you cuddled up next to him.

"Y'know that extra room we have? In the new apartment?"

"Yeah. What about it?"

Steve shaky gets up and pulls you up with him. He turns on the music Tony helped him with and both of you started dancing.

"I was thinking, maybe it's our time to start a family" Steve suggests, swaying back and fourth.

"Steve, I would love that but weren't married-"

"If we were married, if we became married, would we start a family?"

"Well of course. We could have a couple of kids and start a life in that apartment, annoying the crap out of our neighbors"

Both of you laugh.

"I love you. Very very much. I want you to hold on to that" Steve smiles down upon you

"Steve? Is everything okay?"

"It will be if you answer this question" Steve drops on one knee and looks up at you through his shining blue eyes, "Will you, (y/n) (l:n), Marry me?"

Your eyes teared up and you were speechless. You struggled to get a word out of you but you nodded fiercely yes. Steve picked you up and spun you around happily.

"If we do have a kid. What will his name be?" You ask Steve and continue to dance.

"I have no idea."

Two months after your wedding you found out your were pregent with triplets! Yeah you! Both of you got married two years after you moved into the apartment because of the work. Steve asked for a lot of time off and Fury agreed. As long as we stayed in touch. Tony rented a penthouse for you both in Brooklyn best to a school a little bit away from a hostile and a gym and a grocery store. It was the best. The triplets were a girl and two boys, one of the boys had Steve's strength, the girl got his speed and the other boy got fast healing. He once broke his arm trying to slide down the stair railing and it was healed in a matter of two days

Steve later retired and the kids went to college. Both you and Steve lived your lives to the fullest.


It's okay to be single, you get to eat Pringles! Jk jk. But you could. Also, if this has any errors in it, it's because I cracked my phone screen. It's so cool but OCD at the same time!

Anyways, have a good day!

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