^*Steve Rogers ~ Ignored*^

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Steve Rogers AKA Captain America


Steve has been ignoring me for a long time now, It's been two months since he talked to me or even looked at me. He's just been a depressed mess. I have been taking care of everyone. As weird as it sounds.

Since we are stuck in here, Scott and I have become REALLY great friends. I mean, it's awesome. We talk all day and all night, he helps me get everyone back on their feet, I train with him he trains me. I even got to try out his suit, which is a little tight. 

"I don't understand your obsession with the show!" Scott laughs

"Then you don't understand life! I'm going to make you start watching it!"

"Oh, no! I have to catch up on so many shows already, Clint wants me to watch 'Arrow' and Wanda wants me to watch 'Witches Of East End', now you with 'Supernatural' and 'IZombie'?"

"Hey! We have time!"

He smile kinda fades, "Yeah, we do."

I grab Scott's hand, "Don't worry, you'll get to see your daughter soon. I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep."

"One of the reasons I don't make a lot of promises."

Someone clears his throat as he enters my room, it's Steve. I smile slightly, "Hey, Steve. How are you?"

Steve doesn't answer, he just glares making Scott uncomfortable. Scott gives me a quick smile and leaves the room avoiding any contact with Steve. I get up on the couch and approach him, "How's everything going?"

Steve shrugs, "I still don't know what to do about Bucky."

"Steve, we can't really do much about Bucky with the resources we have."

"How do you know that?"

"Because T'challa and his scientist might have figured something out by now." 

"What have you been doing besides sitting with your new boyfriend?!"

"Excuse me? Scott's my friend and a lot more than you."

"That's not what it looked like when I came in here."

"Me comforting him about his family? Do you have an exact way to do that? What's the matter? You haven't talked to me in weeks-"

"You haven't talked to me either!!"

"That's because you have been pushing me away! I can't have this conversation right now." I start to leave but Steve interrupts me. 

"Go back to your boyfriend." 

I sharply turn back to Steve, "Actually, Mr. Rogers, I don't have a boyfriend. Now, why don't you go sulk in your room and cry and do whatever you do in their for or about Bucky, at this point I don't care. You know what I'm gonna do? I'm going to take care of the team, like an actual Captain would do."

Steve doesn't say anything, I don't give him time to say anything, I'm out the door in a flash.

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